Source code for pyrates.frontend.template.operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# PyRates software framework for flexible implementation of neural 
# network models and simulations. See also: 
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the original authors (Richard Gast and 
# Daniel Rose), the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive Brain 
# Sciences ("MPI CBS") and contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>
# Richard Gast and Daniel Rose et. al. in preparation
# external _imports
from copy import deepcopy
from sys import intern
from typing import Union
from warnings import warn

# pyrates internal _imports
from import PyRatesException, PyRatesWarning
from import AbstractBaseTemplate
from pyrates.backend.parser import replace as eq_replace

# meta infos
from import OperatorIR

__author__ = " Daniel Rose, Richard Gast"
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class OperatorTemplate(AbstractBaseTemplate): """Generic template for an operator with a name, equations, variables and possible initialization conditions. The template can be used to create variations of a specific equations or variables.""" cache = {} # tracks all unique instances of applied operator templates target_ir = OperatorIR def __init__(self, name: str, equations: Union[list, str], variables: dict, path: str = None, description: str = "An operator template."): """For now: only allow single equations in operator template.""" super().__init__(name, path, description) if isinstance(equations, str): self.equations = [intern(equations)] else: self.equations = [intern(eq) for eq in equations] self.variables = variables
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Attempts to return the variable with name `item`. """ try: return self.variables[item] except KeyError: warn(PyRatesWarning(f"Variable with name {item} was not found on {}.")) return
[docs] def update_template(self, name: str = None, path: str = None, equations: Union[str, list, dict] = None, variables: dict = None, description: str = None): """Update all entries of the Operator template in their respective ways.""" if equations: # if it is a string, just replace if isinstance(equations, str): equations = [equations] elif isinstance(equations, list): pass # pass equations string to constructor # else, update according to predefined rules, assuming dict structure elif isinstance(equations, dict): new_eqs = equations.pop('add', []) equations = [_update_equation(eq, **equations) for eq in self.equations] + new_eqs else: raise TypeError("Unknown data type for attribute 'equations'.") else: # copy equations from parent template equations = self.equations if variables: variables = _update_variables(self.variables, variables) else: variables = self.variables rogue_variables = set() for var in variables: # remove variables that are not present in the equations found = False for eq in equations: if var in eq: found = True if not found: # save entries in list, since dictionary must not change size during iteration rogue_variables.add(var) for var in rogue_variables: variables.pop(var) if not description: description = self.__doc__ # or do we want to enforce documenting a template? if not name: name = if not path: path = self.path # decide whether template requires a new key or not return self.__class__(name=name, path=path, equations=equations, variables=variables, description=description)
[docs] def apply(self, return_key=False, values: dict = None): """Returns the non-editable but unique, cashed definition of the operator.""" # key for global operator cache is the frozen list of equation strings. key = if values is None: values = {} try: instance, default_values = self.cache[key] for vname, value in default_values.items(): if vname not in values: values[vname] = value except KeyError: # get variable definitions and specified default values variables = [] default_values = dict() inputs = [] output = None for vname, vtype, dtype, shape, value in _separate_variables(self.variables): # check whether an invalid variable name was passed vtype = check_vname(vname, vtype) # if no new value is given for a variable, get the default if vname not in values: values[vname] = value default_values[vname] = value if vtype == "input": inputs.append(vname) # = dict(sources=[], reduce_dim=True) # default to True for now vtype = "input" elif vtype == "output": if output is None: output = vname # for now assume maximum one output is present else: raise PyRatesException("More than one output specification found in operator. " "Only one output per operator is supported.") vtype = "state_var" # pack variable defining properties into tuple variables.append((vname, vtype, dtype, shape)) equations = self.equations instance = self.target_ir(equations=equations, variables=variables, inputs=inputs, output=output, template=self) self.cache[key] = (instance, default_values) if return_key: return instance, values, key else: return instance, values
[docs]def check_vname(v: str, vtype: str): disallowed_names = ['y', 'dy', 'source_idx', 'target_idx', 'pi', 'I', 'E'] disallowed_name_parts = ['_buffer', '_delays', '_maxdelay', '_idx', '_hist'] if v == 't' and vtype != 'state_var': vtype = 'state_var' if v in disallowed_names: raise PyRatesException(f'The variable name {v} is reserved for internal variables created by PyRates. ' f'Please choose a different variable name.') for dpart in disallowed_name_parts: if dpart in v: raise PyRatesException(f'The variable name {v} contains the sub-string {dpart} which is reserved for ' f'internal variables created by PyRates. Please choose a different variable name.') return vtype
def _update_variables(variables: dict, updates: dict): updated = variables.copy() updated.update(updates) # for var, val in updates.items(): # if var in updated: # # update dictionary defining single variable # updated[var] = val # else: # # copy new variable into variables dictionary # updated.update({var: var_dict}) return updated def _update_equation(equation: str, # original equation replace: dict = False, # replace parts of the string remove: Union[list, tuple] = False, # remove parts of the string append: str = False, # append to the end of the string prepend: str = False, # add to beginning of string ): # replace existing terms by new ones if replace: for old, new in replace.items(): equation = eq_replace(equation, old, new) #equation = intern(equation.replace(old, new)) # this might fail, if multiple replacements refer or contain the same variables # is it possible to call str.replace with tuples? # remove terms if remove: if isinstance(remove, str): equation = intern(eq_replace(equation, remove, "")) else: for old in remove: equation = intern(eq_replace(equation, old, "")) # append terms at the end of the equation string if append: # only allowing single append per update equation = intern(f"{equation} {append}") # prepend terms at the beginning of the equation string if prepend: # only allowing single prepend per update equation = intern(f"{prepend} {equation}") return equation def _parse_defaults(expr: Union[str, int, float]) -> dict: """Naive version of a parser for the default key of variables in a template. Returns data type, variable type and default value of the variable.""" value = 0. shape = (1,) if isinstance(expr, int): vtype = "constant" value = expr dtype = "int" elif isinstance(expr, float): vtype = "constant" value = expr dtype = "float" elif isinstance(expr, complex): vtype = "constant" value = expr dtype = "complex" else: # set vtype if expr.startswith("input"): vtype = "input" elif expr.startswith("output"): vtype = "output" elif expr.startswith("variable"): vtype = "state_var" else: vtype = "constant" try: value = float(expr) except ValueError: try: value = complex(expr) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret variable type in default definition {expr}.") dtype, value, shape = _get_variable_info(expr, value) return {'vtype': vtype, 'dtype': dtype, 'value': value, 'shape': shape} def _separate_variables(variables: dict): """ Return variable definitions and the respective values. Returns ------- variables inputs output """ # this part can be improved a lot with a proper expression parser for vname, vinfo in variables.items(): # identify variable type and data type default_vals = vinfo.copy() if type(vinfo) is dict else _parse_defaults(vinfo) yield vname, default_vals['vtype'], default_vals['dtype'], default_vals['shape'], default_vals['value'] def _get_variable_info(expr: Union[str, int, float], value: Union[int, complex, float]) -> tuple: # set dtype and value and shape shape = (1,) if expr.endswith("(float)"): dtype = "float" elif expr.endswith("(complex)"): dtype = "complex" if not isinstance(value, complex): value = complex(value, value) elif "(" in expr: expr = expr.split("(")[1][:-1] if "," in expr: expr, var_len = expr.split(",") var_len = int(var_len) dtype, value, _ = _get_variable_info(expr, value) value = [value for _ in range(var_len)] shape = (var_len,) else: dtype, value, shape = _get_variable_info(expr, value) else: try: value = float(expr) dtype = "float" except ValueError: try: value = complex(expr) dtype = "complex" except ValueError: dtype = "float" # base assumption return dtype, value, shape