Source code for pyrates.frontend.template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# PyRates software framework for flexible implementation of neural 
# network models and simulations. See also: 
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the original authors (Richard Gast and 
# Daniel Rose), the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive Brain 
# Sciences ("MPI CBS") and contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>
# Richard Gast and Daniel Rose et. al. in preparation
from ._io import _complete_template_path
from .node import NodeTemplate
from .operator import OperatorTemplate
from .edge import EdgeTemplate
from .circuit import CircuitTemplate

known_template_classes = dict()

template_cache = dict()

[docs]def register_template_class(name, cls): """Register a given template class to the module attribute `_known_template_classes`. This way new template classes can be registered by users. Could also be used to overwrite existing template classes.""" if name in known_template_classes: raise UserWarning(f"Overwriting existing map from name `{name}` to template class `{cls}`.") known_template_classes[name] = cls
register_template_class("OperatorTemplate", OperatorTemplate) register_template_class("NodeTemplate", NodeTemplate) register_template_class("EdgeTemplate", EdgeTemplate) register_template_class("CircuitTemplate", CircuitTemplate)
[docs]def from_yaml(path): """Load template from yaml file. Templates are cached by path. Depending on the 'base' key of the yaml template, either a template class is instantiated or the function recursively loads base templates until it hits a known template class. Parameters: ----------- path (str) path to YAML template of the form `` or path/to/template_file/template_name.TemplateName. The dot notation refers to a path that can be found using python's import functionality. That means it needs to be a module (a folder containing an ``) located in the Python path (e.g. the current working directory). The slash notation refers to a file in an absolute or relative path from the current working directory. In either case the second-to-last part refers to the filename without file extension and the last part refers to the template name. """ if path in template_cache: # if we have loaded this template in the past, return what has been cached template = template_cache[path] else: # if it has not been cached yet, load the file and parse into dict from pyrates.frontend.fileio.yaml import dict_from_yaml template_dict = dict_from_yaml(path) try: base = template_dict.pop("base") except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"No 'base' defined for template {path}. Please define a " f"base to derive the template from.") # figure out which type of template this is by analysing the "base" key try: # If the base key coincides with any known template class name, fetch the class cls = known_template_classes[base] except KeyError: # class not known, so the base must refer to a parent template. Then let's recursively load that one until # we hit a known template class. base = _complete_template_path(base, path) base_template = from_yaml(base) template = base_template.update_template(**template_dict) # may fail if "base" is present but empty else: # instantiate template class template = cls(**template_dict) template_cache[path] = template return template
[docs]def to_yaml(template, path: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Save a `CircuitTemplate` to a yaml file. Parameters: ----------- template Instance of a `CircuitTemplate`. path (str) path to YAML template of the form `` or path/to/template_file/template_name.TemplateName. The dot notation refers to a path that can be found using python's import functionality. That means it needs to be a module (a folder containing an ``) located in the Python path (e.g. the current working directory). The slash notation refers to a file in an absolute or relative path from the current working directory. In either case the second-to-last part refers to the filename without file extension and the last part refers to the template name. kwargs """ from pyrates.frontend.fileio.yaml import dump_to_yaml dump_to_yaml(template, path=path, **kwargs)
[docs]def clear_cache(): """Shorthand to clear template cache for whatever reason.""" template_cache.clear()