Source code for pyrates.backend.fortran.fortran_backend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# PyRates software framework for flexible implementation of neural
# network model_templates and simulations. See also:
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the original authors (Richard Gast and
# Daniel Rose), the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive Brain
# Sciences ("MPI CBS") and contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>
# Richard Gast and Daniel Rose et. al. in preparation

"""Wraps fortran such that it's low-level functions can be used by PyRates to create and simulate a compute graph.

# pyrates internal _imports
from ..base import BaseBackend
from ..computegraph import ComputeVar
from .fortran_funcs import fortran_funcs
from ..parser import replace

# external _imports
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Callable, Iterable, Union, Tuple
import os
from numpy import f2py
import numpy as np

# meta infos
__author__ = "Richard Gast"
__status__ = "development"

# backend classes

[docs]class FortranBackend(BaseBackend): n1 = 62 n2 = 72 linebreak_start = " & " linebreak_end = "&" def __init__(self, ops: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, imports: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Instantiates Fortran backend. """ # add user-provided operations to function dict fort_ops = fortran_funcs.copy() if ops: fort_ops.update(ops) # call parent method super().__init__(ops=fort_ops, imports=imports, file_ending='.f90', idx_left='(', idx_right=')', start_idx=1, **kwargs) self._op_calls = {} self._var_declaration_info = {} # define fortran-specific imports self._imports.pop(0) self._imports.append("double precision :: PI = 4.0*atan(1.0)")
[docs] def add_var_update(self, lhs: ComputeVar, rhs: str, lhs_idx: Optional[str] = None, rhs_shape: Optional[tuple] = ()): self.register_vars([lhs]) super().add_var_update(lhs, rhs, lhs_idx, rhs_shape)
[docs] def create_index_str(self, idx: Union[str, int, tuple], separator: str = ',', apply: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Tuple[str, dict]: if not apply: self._start_idx = 0 idx, idx_dict = super().create_index_str(idx, separator, apply, **kwargs) self._start_idx = 1 return idx, idx_dict else: return super().create_index_str(idx, separator, apply, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_func_head(self, func_name: str, state_var: str = 'y', return_var: str = 'dy', func_args: list = None, add_hist_func: bool = False): # finalize list of arguments for the function call if func_args: self.register_vars(func_args) func_args = [ for arg in func_args] else: func_args = [] state_vars = ['t', state_var] if add_hist_func: state_vars.append('hist') _, indices = np.unique(func_args, return_index=True) func_args = state_vars + [func_args[idx] for idx in np.sort(indices)] # define module self.add_code_line(f"module {self._fname}") self.add_linebreak() # add global variable definitions and other imports for imp in self._imports: self.add_code_line(imp) # start function definition section self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("contains") self.add_linebreak() # add function header self.add_linebreak() self._add_func_call(name=func_name, args=func_args, return_var=return_var) return func_args
[docs] def generate_func_tail(self, rhs_var: str = None): # end the subroutine self.add_code_line(f"end subroutine") self.add_linebreak() self.add_linebreak() # add definitions of helper functions after the main run function for func in self._helper_funcs: self.add_code_line(func) self.add_linebreak() # end the module self.add_code_line(f"end module")
[docs] def add_code_line(self, code_str): """Add code line string to code. """ for code in code_str.split('\n'): if self.linebreak_end not in code: code = code.replace('\t', '') code = '\t' * self.lvl + code if self.break_line(code): idx = self._find_first_op(code, start=len(self.linebreak_start), stop=self.n2 - len(self.linebreak_end)) self.add_code_line(f'{code[0:idx]}{self.linebreak_end}') code = f"{self.linebreak_start}{code[idx:]}" self.add_code_line(code) else: self.code.append(code)
[docs] def break_line(self, code: str): n = len(code) if n > self.n2: return True if n > self.n1: if self.linebreak_start in code: if self.linebreak_end in code[len(self.linebreak_start):]: if n - len(self.linebreak_start) - len(self.linebreak_end) < self.n2: return False return True if n - len(self.linebreak_start) < self.n2: return False return True if self.linebreak_end in code: if n - len(self.linebreak_end) < self.n2: return False return True return False return False
[docs] def generate_func(self, func_name: str, to_file: bool = True, func_args: tuple = (), state_vars: tuple = (), **kwargs): if to_file: file = f'{self.fdir}/{self._fname}{self._fend}' if self.fdir else f'{self._fname}{self._fend}' else: file = None # generate the final string representing the function file auto_compatible = kwargs.pop('auto', False) if auto_compatible: # case I: generate both the auto function and auto constants strings and write the constants string to file func_file, const_file = self._generate_auto_files(func_name=func_name, func_args=func_args, state_vars=state_vars, **kwargs) # write auto constants to file build_dir = f"{self.fdir}/" if self.fdir else "" cname = kwargs.pop('auto_constants_file', 'ivp') try: with open(f'{build_dir}c.{cname}', 'wt') as cfile: cfile.write(const_file) except FileNotFoundError: with open(f'{build_dir}c.{cname}', 'xt') as cfile: cfile.write(const_file) else: # case II: generate a standard fortran function string func_file = self.generate() # compile fortran function and write it to file f2py.compile(func_file, modulename=self._fname, extension=self._fend, source_fn=file, verbose=False) # import function from temporary file exec(f"from {self._fname} import {self._fname}", globals()) exec(f"rhs_eval = {self._fname}.{func_name}", globals()) rhs_eval = globals().pop('rhs_eval') # apply function decorator decorator = kwargs.pop('decorator', None) if decorator: decorator_kwargs = kwargs.pop('decorator_kwargs', dict()) rhs_eval = decorator(rhs_eval, **decorator_kwargs) return rhs_eval
[docs] def register_vars(self, variables: list): for v in variables: if not in self._var_declaration_info: self._var_declaration_info[] = v
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Removes all layers, variables and operations from graph. Deletes build directory. """ # delete fortran-specific temporary files wdir = self.fdir if self.fdir else os.getcwd() for f in [f for f in os.listdir(wdir)]: if "cpython" in f and self._fname in f and f[-3:] == ".so": os.remove(f"{wdir}/{f}") elif f == 'c.ivp' or (f[:5] == 'fort.' and len(f) == 6): os.remove(f"{wdir}/{f}") elif f == f"{self._fname}.exe" or f == f"{self._fname}.mod" or f == f"{self._fname}.o": os.remove(f"{wdir}/{f}") # call parent method super().clear()
[docs] @staticmethod def expr_to_str(expr: str, args: tuple): func = 'cshift(' if func in expr: old_shift = f"{args[-1]}" new_shift = f"-{old_shift}" start = expr.find(func) + len(func) stop = expr[start:].find(')') old_expr = expr[start:start+stop] new_expr = replace(expr[start:start+stop], old_shift, new_shift) expr = replace(expr, old_expr, new_expr) return expr
def _generate_auto_files(self, func_name: str, func_args: tuple = (), state_vars: tuple = (), blocked_indices: tuple = (10, 15), **kwargs): # wrapper to the right-hand side evaluation function #################################################### # add function header that Auto-07p expects self.add_linebreak() self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("subroutine func(ndim,y,icp,args,ijac,dy,dfdu,dfdp)") self.add_linebreak() # load the module in which the pyrates function has been defined self.add_code_line(f"use {self._fname}") # declare auto-related variables dtype = self._get_dtype(self._var_declaration_info['y'].dtype) self.add_code_line("implicit none") self.add_code_line("integer, intent(in) :: ndim, icp(*), ijac") self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}, intent(in) :: y(ndim), args(*)") self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}, intent(out) :: dy(ndim)") self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}, intent(inout) :: dfdu(ndim,ndim), dfdp(ndim,*)") # extract parameters from args list increment = 1 params, param_indices = [], [] for i, arg in enumerate(func_args): idx = i + increment if blocked_indices[0] <= idx <= blocked_indices[1]: idx -= increment increment += blocked_indices[1] - blocked_indices[0] idx += increment params.append(f'args({idx})') param_indices.append(idx) # call the pyrates subroutine additional_args = f", {', '.join(params)}" if params else "" self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line(f"call {func_name}(args(14), y, dy{additional_args})") self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("end subroutine func") self.add_linebreak() # routine that sets up an initial value problem ############################################### # generate subroutine header self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("subroutine stpnt(ndim, y, args, t)") self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("implicit None") self.add_code_line("integer, intent(in) :: ndim") self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}, intent(inout) :: y(ndim), args(*)") self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}, intent(in) :: t") self.add_linebreak() # define parameter values increment = 1 for idx, arg in zip(param_indices, func_args): p = self._var_declaration_info[arg] if sum(p.shape) > 1: raise ValueError(f'Vector-valued parameter detected ({} with shape {p.shape}), which cannot be ' f'handled by Auto-07p. Please change the definition of your network (e.g. remove ' f'extrinsic inputs) such that no vectorized model parameters exist.') self.add_code_line(f"args({idx}) = {p.value} ! {}") # define initial state for i, var in enumerate(state_vars): v = self._var_declaration_info[var] self.add_code_line(f"y({i+1}) = {v.value} ! {}") # end subroutine self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("end subroutine stpnt") self.add_linebreak() # dummy routines (could be made available for more complex Auto-07p usages) ########################################################################### self.add_linebreak() for routine in ['bcnd', 'icnd', 'fopt', 'pvls']: self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line(f"subroutine {routine}") self.add_code_line(f"end subroutine {routine}") self.add_linebreak() func_file = self.generate() self.code.clear() # create auto constants file ############################ auto_constants = {'NDIM': 1, 'NPAR': 1, 'IPS': -2, 'ILP': 0, 'ICP': [14], 'NTST': 1, 'NCOL': 3, 'IAD': 0, 'ISP': 0, 'ISW': 1, 'IPLT': 0, 'NBC': 0, 'NINT': 0, 'NMX': 10000, 'NPR': 1, 'MXBF': 10, 'IID': 2, 'ITMX': 2, 'ITNW': 5, 'NWTN': 2, 'JAC': 0, 'EPSL': 1e-6, 'EPSU': 1e-6, 'EPSS': 1e-4, 'IRS': 0, 'DS': 1e-4, 'DSMIN': 1e-8, 'DSMAX': 1e-2, 'IADS': 1, 'THL': {}, 'THU': {}, 'UZR': {}, 'STOP': {}} auto_constants['NDIM'] = len(state_vars) auto_constants['NPAR'] = max(param_indices) for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key in auto_constants: auto_constants[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # write auto constants to string for key, val in auto_constants.items(): self.add_code_line(f"{key} = {val}") const_file = self.generate() self.code.clear() return func_file, const_file def _get_func_info(self, name: str, shape: tuple = (), dtype: str = 'float'): func_info = self._funcs[name] # case I: generate shape-specific fortran function call if callable(func_info['call']): # extract unique index for input variable shape try: shapes, indices = self._op_calls[name] try: idx = shapes.index(shape) idx = indices[idx] except IndexError: idx = indices[-1] shapes.append(shape) indices.append(idx) except KeyError: idx = 1 self._op_calls[name] = [shape], [idx] # generate function call and string func_call, func_str = func_info['call'](idx, self._get_shape(shape, var=''), self._get_dtype(dtype)) func_info['call'] = func_call func_info['def'] = func_str return func_info def _add_func_call(self, name: str, args: Iterable, return_var: str = 'dy'): # add function header self.add_code_line(f"subroutine {name}({','.join(args)})") self.add_linebreak() self.add_code_line("implicit none") self.add_linebreak() # add variable declarations for arg in self._var_declaration_info: dtype, intent, shape = self._get_var_declaration_info(arg, args) intent = f", intent({intent})" if intent else "" self.add_code_line(f"{dtype}{intent} :: {arg}{shape}") def _get_var_declaration_info(self, var: str, args: Iterable) -> tuple: # extract variable definition v = self._var_declaration_info[var] # define data type dtype = self._get_dtype(v.dtype) # define intent of input arguments if in args: intent = 'in' if v.is_constant or in 'ty' else 'inout' else: intent = "" # define shape shape = self._get_shape(v.shape, var) return dtype, intent, shape def _solve(self, solver: str, func: Callable, args: tuple, T: float, dt: float, dts: float, y0: np.ndarray, t0: np.ndarray, times: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: # extract delta vector dy = args[0] # define wrapper function for fortran subroutine def fort_func(t, y, *args): func(t, y, *args) return dy return super()._solve(solver=solver, func=fort_func, args=args, T=T, dt=dt, dts=dts, y0=y0, t0=t0, times=times, **kwargs) def _get_dtype(self, dtype: Union[str, np.dtype]): if dtype == 'float': dtype = self._float_precision if 'float' in dtype: dtype = 'double precision' if '64' in dtype else 'real' elif 'complex' in dtype: dtype = 'complex' else: dtype = 'integer' return dtype def _process_idx(self, idx: Union[Tuple[int, int], int, str, ComputeVar], **kwargs) -> str: if idx == ':': return '' return super()._process_idx(idx=idx, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_shape(shape: tuple, var: str): shape = str(shape) if shape else '' if len(shape) < 3: shape = '(1)' if (var == 'dy' or var == 'y') else '' elif shape[-2] == ',': shape = f"{shape[:-2]})" return shape @staticmethod def _find_first_op(code, start, stop): if stop < len(code): code_tmp = code[start:stop] ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "**", "^", "%", "<", ">", "==", "!=", "<=", ">="] indices = [code_tmp.index(op) for op in ops if op in code_tmp] if indices and max(indices) > 0: return max(indices) + start idx = start for break_sign in [',', ')', ' ']: if break_sign in code_tmp: idx_tmp = len(code_tmp) - code_tmp[::-1].index(break_sign) if len(code_tmp) - idx_tmp < len(code_tmp) - idx: idx = idx_tmp return idx + start return stop + start