PyRates.tests ============= Documentation of all test functions that are included in PyRates. YAML-based model definitions are loaded from `model_templates.test_resources`. Notes on Testing ---------------- **Static type checking** MyPy is used to statically check types. To test, if everything works out, run: `MYPYPATH=./stubs/ mypy --strict-optional --ignore-missing-imports core` If you get no output, all type checks are successful. Some issues are ignored using the comment tag `# type: ignore` These issues may be too complicated for mypy to recognise them properly - or too complicated to fix immediately, but might need fixing, nevertheless. **Running tests with py.test** We use `py.test` for testing. Make sure you have `pytest` installed. Usage: - from within PyCharm - select py.test as default testing framework - right-click on tests and select "run py.test in tests" - from the console - navigate to the PyRates base directory - run `pytest tests` Backend Parser Tests -------------------- .. automodule:: tests.test_backend_parser :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Backend Simulations Tests ------------------------- .. automodule:: tests.test_backend_simulations :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Frontend YAML Parser Tests -------------------------- .. automodule:: tests.test_frontend_yaml_parser :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Pre-defined Models Tests ------------------------ .. automodule:: tests.test_implemented_models :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: