Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# PyRates software framework for flexible implementation of neural 
# network model_templates and simulations. See also:
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the original authors (Richard Gast and 
# Daniel Rose), the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive Brain 
# Sciences ("MPI CBS") and contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>
# Richard Gast and Daniel Rose et. al. in preparation

# external _imports
import time
from typing import Union, Dict, Iterator, Optional, List, Tuple
from warnings import filterwarnings
from networkx import MultiDiGraph, DiGraph
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn

# pyrates-internal _imports
from pyrates.backend import PyRatesException, PyRatesWarning
from import NodeIR
from import EdgeIR
from import AbstractBaseIR
from pyrates.backend.parser import parse_equations, get_unique_label, replace
from pyrates.backend.computegraph import ComputeGraph, ComputeVar, ComputeGraphBackProp

__author__ = "Daniel Rose, Richard Gast"
__status__ = "Development"

in_edge_indices = {}  # cache for the number of input edges per network node
in_edge_vars = {}   # cache for the input variables that enter at each target operator

# class definitions #

# networkx-based representation of all nodes and edges in circuit
[docs]class NetworkGraph(AbstractBaseIR): """View on the entire network as a graph. Translates edge operations and attributes into a form that allows to parse the network graph into a final compute graph.""" def __init__(self, label: str = "circuit", nodes: Dict[str, NodeIR] = None, edges: list = None, template: str = None, step_size: float = 1e-3, step_size_adaptation: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs): super().__init__(label=label, template=template) self._edge_idx_counter = 0 self.step_size = step_size self.step_size_adaptation = step_size_adaptation self.graph = MultiDiGraph() if verbose: print("Compilation Progress") print("--------------------") print('\t(1) Translating the circuit template into a networkx graph representation...') # add nodes to graph if nodes: nodes = ((key, {"node": node}) for key, node in nodes.items()) self.graph.add_nodes_from(nodes) # add edges to graph if edges: for (source, target, edge_dict) in edges: self.add_edge(source, target, **edge_dict) if verbose: print('\t\t...finished.') print("\t(2) Preprocessing edge transmission operations...") # translate edge operations and attributes into graph operators self._preprocess_edge_operations(dde_approx=kwargs.pop('dde_approx', 0), matrix_sparseness=kwargs.pop('matrix_sparseness', 0.1), vectorized=kwargs.pop('vectorized')) if verbose: print("\t\t...finished.")
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str): """ Custom implementation of __getitem__ that dissolves strings of form "key1/key2/key3" into lookups of form self[key1][key2][key3]. Parameters ---------- key Returns ------- item """ try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: keys = key.split('/') for i in range(len(keys)): if "/".join(keys[:i+1]) in self.nodes: break key_iter = iter(['/'.join(keys[:i+1])] + keys[i+1:]) key = next(key_iter) item = self.getitem_from_iterator(key, key_iter) for key in key_iter: item = item.getitem_from_iterator(key, key_iter) return item
[docs] def add_edge(self, source: str, target: str, edge_ir: EdgeIR = None, weight: float = 1., delay: float = None, spread: float = None, **data): """ Parameters ---------- source target edge_ir weight delay spread data If no template is given, `data` is assumed to conform to the format that is needed to add an edge. I.e., `data` needs to contain fields for `weight`, `delay`, `edge_ir`, `source_var`, `target_var`. Returns ------- """ # step 1: parse and verify source and target specifiers source_node, source_var = self._parse_edge_specifier(source, data, "source_var") target_node, target_var = self._parse_edge_specifier(target, data, "target_var") # step 2: parse source variable specifier (might be single string or dictionary for multiple source variables) source_vars, extra_sources = self._parse_source_vars(source_node, source_var, edge_ir, data.pop("extra_sources", None)) # step 3: add edges attr_dict = dict(edge_ir=edge_ir, weight=weight, delay=delay, spread=spread, source_var=source_vars, target_var=target_var, extra_sources=extra_sources, **data) self.graph.add_edge(source_node, target_node, **attr_dict)
[docs] def getitem_from_iterator(self, key: str, key_iter: Iterator[str]): return self.graph.nodes[key]["node"]
def _preprocess_edge_operations(self, dde_approx: int = 0, vectorized: bool = True, **kwargs): """Restructures network graph to collapse nodes and edges that share the same operator graphs. Variable values get an additional vector dimension. References to the respective index is saved in the internal `label_map`.""" # go through nodes and create buffers for delayed outputs and mappings for their inputs ####################################################################################### for node_name in self.nodes: node_outputs = self.graph.out_edges(node_name, keys=True) node_outputs = self._sort_edges(node_outputs, 'source_var', data_included=False) # loop over ouput variables of node for i, (out_var, edges) in enumerate(node_outputs.items()): # extract delay info from variable projections op_name, var_name = out_var.split('/') delays, spreads, nodes, add_delay = self._collect_delays_from_edges(edges) # add synaptic buffer to output variables with delay if add_delay: if vectorized: self._add_edge_buffer(node_name, op_name, var_name, edges=edges, delays=delays, nodes=nodes, spreads=spreads, dde_approx=dde_approx) else: # TODO: sort edges into unique delay/spread combinations and only loop over those if spreads: for i, (edge, delay, spread, node) in enumerate(zip(edges, delays, spreads, nodes)): self._add_edge_buffer(node_name, op_name, var_name, edges=[edge], delays=[delay], nodes=[node], spreads=[spread], dde_approx=dde_approx, buffer_id=f"_out{i}") else: for i, (edge, delay, node) in enumerate(zip(edges, delays, nodes)): self._add_edge_buffer(node_name, op_name, var_name, edges=[edge], delays=[delay], nodes=[node], dde_approx=dde_approx, buffer_id=f"_out{i}") # go through nodes again, and collect and process all inputs to each node variable ################################################################################## for node_name in self.nodes: node_inputs = self.graph.in_edges(node_name, keys=True) node_inputs = self._sort_edges(node_inputs, 'target_var', data_included=False) # loop over inputs to node variable for i, (in_var, edges) in enumerate(node_inputs.items()): # extract info from projections to input variable op_name, var_name = in_var.split('/') data = self._collect_from_edges(edges, keys=['source_var', 'weight', 'source_idx', 'target_idx']) # create the final equations for all edges that target the input variable self._generate_edge_equation(tnode=node_name, top=op_name, tvar=var_name, inputs=data, **kwargs) def _sort_edges(self, edges: List[tuple], attr: str, data_included: bool = False) -> dict: """Sorts edges according to the given edge attribute. Parameters ---------- edges Collection of edges of interest. attr Name of the edge attribute. Returns ------- dict Key-value pairs of the different values the attribute can take on (keys) and the list of edges for which the attribute takes on that value (value). """ edges_new = {} if data_included: for edge in edges: if len(edge) == 4: source, target, edge, data = edge else: raise ValueError("Missing edge index. This error message should not occur.") value = self.edges[source, target, edge][attr] if value not in edges_new.keys(): edges_new[value] = [(source, target, edge, data)] else: edges_new[value].append((source, target, edge, data)) else: for edge in edges: if len(edge) == 3: source, target, edge = edge else: raise ValueError("Missing edge index. This error message should not occur.") value = self.edges[source, target, edge][attr] if value not in edges_new.keys(): edges_new[value] = [(source, target, edge)] else: edges_new[value].append((source, target, edge)) return edges_new def _collect_delays_from_edges(self, edges): means, stds, nodes = [], [], [] for s, t, e in edges: # extract delay d = self.edges[s, t, e]['delay'] if type(d) is list: d = [1 if d_tmp is None else d_tmp for d_tmp in d] # extract and process delay distribution spread v = self.edges[s, t, e].pop('spread', [0]) if v is None or np.sum(v) == 0: v = [0] * len(self.edges[s, t, e]['target_idx']) discretize = True else: discretize = False v = self._process_delays(v, discretize=discretize) # finalize edge delay if d is None or np.sum(d) == 0: d = [1] * len(self.edges[s, t, e]['target_idx']) else: d = self._process_delays(d, discretize=discretize) # extract source var index source = self.edges[s, t, e]['source_idx'] if len(d) > 1 and len(source) == 1: source = source * len(d) # collect values means += d stds += v nodes.append(source) # check whether edge delays have to be implemented or can be ignored max_delay = np.max(means) add_delay = ("int" in str(type(max_delay)) and max_delay > 1) or \ ("float" in str(type(max_delay)) and max_delay > self.step_size) if sum(stds) == 0: stds = None # if delays are going to be added from the created lists, remove the delays from the edges themselves if add_delay: for s, t, e in edges: self.edges[s, t, e]['source_idx'] = [] self.edges[s, t, e]['delay'] = None return means, stds, nodes, add_delay def _collect_from_edges(self, edges: list, keys: list): data = dict() for source, target, idx in edges: edge = self.edges[(source, target, idx)] if source not in data: data[source] = dict() for key in keys: val = deepcopy(edge[key]) try: data[source][key].extend(val) except AttributeError: field = data[source][key] if type(field) is str or field is None: pass else: data[source][key] = [field, val] except KeyError: data[source][key] = val return data def _add_edge_buffer(self, node: str, op: str, var: str, edges: list, delays: list, nodes: list, spreads: Optional[list] = None, dde_approx: int = 0, buffer_id: str = "") -> None: """Adds a buffer variable to an edge. Parameters ---------- node Name of the source node of the edge. op Name of the source operator of the edge. var Name of the source variable of the edge. edges List with edge identifier tuples (source_name, target_name, edge_idx). delays edge delays. nodes Node indices for each edge delay. spreads Standard deviations of delay distributions around means given by `delays`. dde_approx Only relevant for delayed systems. If larger than zero, all discrete delays in the system will be automatically approximated by a system of (n+1) coupled ODEs that represent a convolution with a gamma distribution centered around the original delay (n is the approximation order). Returns ------- None """ max_delay = np.max(delays) # extract target shape and node node_var = self[f"{node}/{op}/{var}"] target_shape = node_var['shape'] node_ir = self[node] nodes_tmp = list() for n in nodes: nodes_tmp += n source_idx = np.asarray(nodes_tmp, dtype='int').flatten() # ODE approximation to DDE ########################## if dde_approx or spreads: # calculate orders and rates of ODE-system approximations to delayed connections if spreads: orders, rates = [], [] for m, v in zip(delays, spreads): order = np.round((m / v) ** 2, decimals=0) if v > 0 else 0 orders.append(int(order) if m and order > dde_approx else dde_approx) rates.append(orders[-1] / m if m else 0) else: orders, rates = [], [] for m in delays: orders.append(dde_approx if m else 0) rates.append(dde_approx / m if m else 0) # sort all edge information in ascending ODE order order_idx = np.argsort(orders, kind='stable') orders_sorted = np.asarray(orders, dtype='int')[order_idx] orders_tmp = np.asarray(orders, dtype='int')[order_idx] rates_tmp = np.asarray(rates)[order_idx] source_idx_tmp = source_idx[order_idx] buffer_eqs, var_dict, final_idx = [], {}, [] max_order = max(orders) for i in range(max_order + 1): # check which edges require the ODE order treated in this iteration of the loop k = i + 1 idx, idx_str, idx_var = self._bool_to_idx(orders_tmp >= k) if type(idx) is int: idx = [idx] var_dict.update(idx_var) # define new equation variable/parameter names var_next = f"{var}_d{k}{buffer_id}" var_prev = f"{var}_d{i}{buffer_id}" if i > 0 else var rate = f"k_d{k}{buffer_id}" # prepare variables for the next ODE idx_apply = len(idx) != len(orders_tmp) val = rates_tmp[idx] if idx_apply else rates_tmp var_shape = (len(val),) if val.shape else () if i == 0 and idx != [0] and (sum(target_shape) != len(idx) or any(np.diff(order_idx) != 1)): var_prev_idx = f"index({var_prev}, source_idx{buffer_id})" var_dict[f"source_idx{buffer_id}"] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'int', 'shape': (len(source_idx_tmp[idx]),), 'value': source_idx_tmp[idx]} elif i != 0 and idx_apply: var_prev_idx = _get_indexed_var_str(var_prev, idx_str, var_length=len(rates_tmp)) else: var_prev_idx = var_prev # create new ODE string and corresponding variable definitions buffer_eqs.append(f"d/dt * {var_next} = {rate} * ({var_prev_idx} - {var_next})") var_dict[var_next] = {'vtype': 'state_var', 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': var_shape, 'value': 0.} var_dict[rate] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'float', 'value': val} # store indices that are required to fill the edge buffer variable if idx_apply: # right-hand side index if len(orders_tmp) < 2: idx_rhs_str = '' elif i == 0: idx_rhs = np.asarray(source_idx_tmp)[orders_tmp == i] n_idx = len(idx_rhs) if n_idx > 1: idx_rhs_str = f"source_idx2{buffer_id}" var_dict[f"source_idx2{buffer_id}"] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'int', 'shape': (n_idx,), 'value': idx_rhs} else: idx_rhs_str = f"{idx_rhs[0]}" else: _, idx_rhs_str, _ = self._bool_to_idx(orders_tmp == i) # left-hand side index if len(delays) > 1: _, idx_lhs_str, _ = self._bool_to_idx(orders_sorted == i) else: idx_lhs_str = '' final_idx.append((i, idx_lhs_str, idx_rhs_str)) # reduce lists of orders and rates by the ones that are fully implemented by the current ODE set if idx_apply: orders_tmp = orders_tmp[idx] rates_tmp = rates_tmp[idx] if not orders_tmp.shape: orders_tmp = np.asarray([orders_tmp], dtype='int') rates_tmp = np.asarray([rates_tmp]) # remove unnecessary ODEs for _ in range(len(buffer_eqs) - final_idx[-1][0]): i = len(buffer_eqs) var_dict.pop(f"{var}_d{i}{buffer_id}") var_dict.pop(f"k_d{i}{buffer_id}") buffer_eqs.pop(-1) # create edge buffer variable buffer_length = len(delays) for i, idx_l, idx_r in final_idx: lhs = _get_indexed_var_str(f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id}", idx_l, var_length=buffer_length) rhs = _get_indexed_var_str(f"{var}_d{i}{buffer_id}" if i != 0 else var, idx_r, var_length=buffer_length) buffer_eqs.append(f"{lhs} = {rhs}") var_dict[f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id}"] = {'vtype': 'variable', 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': (buffer_length,), 'value': 0.0} # re-order buffered variable if necessary if any(np.diff(order_idx) != 1): buffer_eqs.append(f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id} = index({var}_buffered{buffer_id}, " f"{var}_buffered_idx{buffer_id})") var_dict[f"{var}_buffered_idx{buffer_id}"] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'int', 'shape': (len(order_idx),), 'value': np.argsort(order_idx, kind='stable')} # discretized edge buffers ########################## elif not self.step_size_adaptation: # create buffer variable shapes if len(target_shape) < 1 or (len(target_shape) == 1 and target_shape[0] == 1): buffer_shape = (max_delay + 1,) else: buffer_shape = (target_shape[0], max_delay + 1) # create buffer variable definitions var_dict = {f'{var}_buffer{buffer_id}': {'vtype': 'variable', 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': buffer_shape, 'value': 0.}, f'{var}_buffered{buffer_id}': {'vtype': 'variable', 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': (len(delays),), 'value': 0.}, f'{var}_delays{buffer_id}': {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'int', 'value': delays}, f'source_idx{buffer_id}': {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'int', 'value': source_idx}} # create buffer equations if len(target_shape) < 1 or (len(target_shape) == 1 and target_shape[0] == 1): buffer_eqs = [f"index_axis({var}_buffer{buffer_id}) = roll({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, 1)", f"index({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, 0) = {var}", f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id} = index({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, {var}_delays{buffer_id})"] else: buffer_eqs = [f"index_axis({var}_buffer{buffer_id}) = roll({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, 1, 1)", f"index_axis({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, 0, 1) = {var}", f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id} = index_2d({var}_buffer{buffer_id}, source_idx{buffer_id}, " f"{var}_delays{buffer_id})"] # Turn ODE system into DDE system ################################# else: warn(PyRatesWarning(f'PyRates detected an edge definition that implies to represent the model as a ' f'delayed differential equation system.\n PyRates will thus attempt to access the ' f'history of the source variable {var} of operator {op} on node {node}. ' f'Note that this requires {var} to be a state-variable, i.e. a variable defined by ' f'a differential equation.')) # create buffer variable definitions var_dict = {f'{var}_buffered{buffer_id}': {'vtype': 'variable', 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': (len(delays),), 'value': 0.} } buffer_eqs = [] for i, (d, sidx) in enumerate(zip(delays, source_idx)): var_delayed = f"past({var}, {d})" if type(d) is float or d != 1 else var if len(target_shape) < 1 or (len(target_shape) == 1 and target_shape[0] == 1): buffer_eqs.append(f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id} = {var_delayed}") else: buffer_eqs.append(f"index({var}_buffered{buffer_id}, {sidx}) = index({var_delayed}, {sidx})") # add buffer equations to node operator op_info = node_ir[op] op_info['equations'] += buffer_eqs op_info['variables'].update(var_dict) op_info['output'] = f"{var}_buffered{buffer_id}" # update input information of node operators connected to this operator for succ in node_ir.op_graph.succ[op]: inputs = self[f"{node}/{succ}"]['inputs'] if var not in inputs.keys(): inputs[var] = {'sources': {op}} # update edge information idx_l = 0 for i, edge in enumerate(edges): s, t, e = edge self.edges[s, t, e]['source_var'] = f"{op}/{var}_buffered{buffer_id}" if len(edges) > 1: idx_h = idx_l + len(nodes[i]) self.edges[s, t, e]['source_idx'] = list(range(idx_l, idx_h)) idx_l = idx_h def _generate_edge_equation(self, tnode: str, top: str, tvar: str, inputs: dict, matrix_sparseness: float = 0.1, weight_minimum: float = 1e-8): # step 0: check properties of the target variable and its inputs multiple_inputs = len(inputs) > 1 tval = self[f"{tnode}/{top}/{tvar}"] if tval['shape']: tsize = sum(tval['shape']) elif type(tval['value']) is list: tsize = len(tval['value']) else: tsize = 0 # step 1: collect all inputs weights, source_indices, target_indices, sources = [], [], [], [] for snode, sinfo in inputs.items(): weights.append(sinfo['weight']) source_indices.append(sinfo['source_idx']) target_indices.append(sinfo['target_idx']) sources.append((snode,) + tuple(sinfo['source_var'].split('/'))) # step 2: process incoming edges source_vars, args = {}, {} eqs, in_vars = [], [] for i, (weight, sidx, tidx, (snode, sop, svar)) in \ enumerate(zip(weights, source_indices, target_indices, sources)): # get source variable size sval = self[f"{snode}/{sop}/{svar}"] if sval['shape']: ssize = sum(sval['shape']) elif type(sval['value']) is list: ssize = len(sval['value']) else: ssize = 1 # check whether the edge can be realized via a matrix product if not tidx: tidx = [0 for _ in range(len(sidx))] n, m = len(tidx), len(sidx) if len(np.unique(tidx)) < len(tidx): if not sidx: sidx = [i for i in range(len(weight))] dot_edge = True elif n*m > 1 and tsize*ssize > 1: dot_edge = len(weight) / (n * m) > matrix_sparseness else: dot_edge = False # define new input variable if necessary if multiple_inputs: in_shape = (tsize,) t_str = f'{tvar}_in{i}' w_str = f'weight_in{i}' s_str = f'{svar}_in{i}' sidx_str = f'source_idx_in{i}' tidx_str = f'target_idx_in{i}' args[t_str] = {'value': np.zeros(in_shape), 'dtype': 'float', 'vtype': 'variable', 'shape': in_shape} else: t_str = tvar w_str = 'weight' s_str = svar sidx_str = 'source_idx' tidx_str = 'target_idx' # case I: realize edge projection via a matrix product if dot_edge: # create weight matrix sidx_unique = np.unique(sidx) tidx_unique = np.unique(tidx) weight_mat = np.zeros((len(tidx_unique), len(sidx_unique))) for t, s, w in zip(tidx, sidx, weight): row = np.argwhere(tidx_unique == t).squeeze() col = np.argwhere(sidx_unique == s).squeeze() weight_mat[row, col] = w # define edge projection equation s_str_final = _get_indexed_var_str(s_str, sidx_unique, ssize, idx_str=sidx_str, arg_dict=args) t_str_final = _get_indexed_var_str(t_str, tidx_unique, tsize, idx_str=tidx_str, arg_dict=args) eq = f"{t_str_final} = matvec({w_str}, {s_str_final})" args[w_str] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': weight_mat, 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': weight_mat.shape} # case II: realize edge projection via source and target indexing else: # check wether weighting of source variables is required if all([abs(w-1) < weight_minimum for w in weight]): weighting = "" else: weighting = f" * {w_str}" args[w_str] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'dtype': 'float', 'value': weight if ssize > 1 else weight[0]} # get final source and target strings s_str_final = _get_indexed_var_str(s_str, sidx, ssize, reduce=m == 1 and tsize > 1 and n == 1, idx_str=sidx_str, arg_dict=args) t_str_final = _get_indexed_var_str(t_str, tidx, tsize, reduce=tsize > 1 or ssize < tsize, idx_str=tidx_str, arg_dict=args) # define edge equation eq = f"{t_str_final} = {s_str_final}{weighting}" # add equation and source information eqs.append(eq) source_vars[s_str] = {'sources': [sop], 'node': snode, 'var': svar} in_vars.append(t_str) # step 3: process multiple inputs to same variable if multiple_inputs: # finalize edge equations eq = f"{tvar} = {'+'.join(in_vars)}" eqs.append(eq) # step 4: define target variable as operator output args[tvar] = tval args[tvar]['vtype'] = 'variable' # step 5: add edge operator to target node if tnode not in in_edge_indices: in_edge_indices[tnode] = 0 op_name = f'in_edge_{in_edge_indices[tnode]}' in_edge_indices[tnode] += 1 tnode_ir = self[tnode] tnode_ir.add_op(op_name, inputs=source_vars, output=tvar, equations=eqs, variables=args) tnode_ir.add_op_edge(op_name, top) # step 6: add input information to target operator inputs = self[tnode][top]['inputs'] if tvar in inputs.keys(): inputs[tvar]['sources'].add(op_name) else: inputs[tvar] = {'sources': [op_name]} def _process_delays(self, d, discretize=True): if type(d) is list: d = np.asarray(d).squeeze() d = [self._preprocess_delay(d_tmp, discretize=discretize) for d_tmp in d] if d.shape else \ [self._preprocess_delay(d, discretize=discretize)] else: d = [self._preprocess_delay(d, discretize=discretize)] return d def _preprocess_delay(self, delay, discretize=True): return int(np.round(delay / self.step_size, decimals=0)) if discretize and not self.step_size_adaptation \ else delay def _bool_to_idx(self, v): v_idx = np.argwhere(v).squeeze() v_dict = {} if v_idx.shape and v_idx.shape[0] > 1 and all(np.diff(v_idx) == 1): v_idx_str = (f"{v_idx[0]}", f"{v_idx[-1] + 1}") elif v_idx.shape and v_idx.shape[0] > 1: var_name = f"delay_idx{self._edge_idx_counter}" v_idx_str = f"{var_name}" v_dict[var_name] = {'value': v_idx, 'vtype': 'constant'} self._edge_idx_counter += 1 else: try: v_idx_str = f"{v_idx.max()}" except ValueError: v_idx_str = "" return v_idx.tolist(), v_idx_str, v_dict def _parse_source_vars(self, source_node: str, source_var: Union[str, dict], edge_ir, extra_sources: dict = None ) -> Tuple[Union[str, dict], dict]: """Parse is source variable specifications. This tests, whether a single or more source variables and verifies all given paths. Parameters ---------- source_node String that specifies a single node as source of an edge. source_var Single variable specifier string or dictionary of form `{source_op/source_var: edge_op/edge_var edge_ir Instance of an EdgeIR that contains information about the internal structure of an edge. Returns ------- source_var """ # step 1: figure out, whether only one or more source variables are defined try: # try to treat source_var as dictionary n_source_vars = len(source_var.keys()) except AttributeError: # not a dictionary, so must be a string n_source_vars = 1 else: # was a dictionary, treat case that it only has length 1 if n_source_vars == 1: source_var = next(iter(source_var)) if n_source_vars == 1: _, _ = source_var.split("/") # should be op, var, but we do not need them here self._verify_path(source_node, source_var) else: # verify that number of source variables matches number of input variables in edge if extra_sources is not None: n_source_vars += len(extra_sources) if n_source_vars != edge_ir.n_inputs: raise PyRatesException(f"Mismatch between number of source variables ({n_source_vars}) and " f"inputs ({edge_ir.n_inputs}) in an edge with source '{source_node}' and source" f"variables {source_var}.") for node_var, edge_var in source_var.items(): self._verify_path(source_node, node_var) if extra_sources is not None: for edge_var, source in extra_sources.items(): node, op, var = source.split("/") source = "/".join((node, op, var)) self._verify_path(source) extra_sources[edge_var] = source return source_var, extra_sources def _verify_path(self, *parts: str): """ Parameters ---------- parts One or more parts of a path string Returns ------- """ # go trough circuit hierarchy path = "/".join(parts) # check if path is valid if path not in self: raise PyRatesException(f"Could not find object with path `{path}`.") @staticmethod def _parse_edge_specifier(specifier: str, data: dict, var_string: str) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]: """Parse source or target specifier for an edge. Parameters ---------- specifier String that defines either a specific node or complete variable path of source or target for an edge. Format: *circuits/node/op/var data dictionary containing additional information about the edge. This function looks for a variable specifier as specified in `var_string` var_string String that points to an optional key of the `data` dictionary. Should be either 'source_var' or 'target_var' Returns ------- (node, var) """ # step 1: try to get source and target variables from data dictionary, if not available, get them from # source/target string try: # try to get source variable info from data dictionary var = data.pop(var_string) # type: Union[str, dict] except KeyError: # not found, assume variable info is contained in `source` # also means that there is only one source variable (on the main source node) to take care of *node, op, var = specifier.split("/") node = "/".join(node) var = "/".join((op, var)) else: # source_var was in data, so `source` contains only info about source node node = specifier # type: str return node, var @property def nodes(self): """Shortcut to self.graph.nodes. See documentation of `networkx.MultiDiGraph.nodes`.""" return self.graph.nodes @property def edges(self): """Shortcut to self.graph.edges. See documentation of `networkx.MultiDiGraph.edges`.""" return self.graph.edges
# intermediate representation that provides interface between frontend and backend
[docs]class CircuitIR(AbstractBaseIR): """Custom graph data structure that represents a backend of nodes and edges with associated equations and variables.""" __slots__ = ["label", "_front_to_back", "graph", "_t", "_verbose", "_dt", "_dt_adapt", "_def_shape"] def __init__(self, label: str = "circuit", nodes: Dict[str, NodeIR] = None, edges: list = None, template: str = None, step_size_adaptation: bool = False, step_size: float = None, verbose: bool = True, backend: str = None, scalar_shape: tuple = None, **kwargs): """ Parameters: ----------- label String label, could be used as fallback when subcircuiting this circuit. Currently not used, though. nodes Dictionary of nodes of form {node_label: `NodeIR` instance}. edges List of tuples (source:str, target:str, edge_dict). `edge_dict` should contain the key "edge_ir" with an `EdgeIR` instance as item and optionally entries for "weight" and "delay". `source` and `target` should be formatted as "node/op/var" (with optionally prepended circuits). template optional string reference to path to template that this circuit was loaded from. Leave empty, if no template was used. """ # filter displayed warnings filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) # set main attributes super().__init__(label=label, template=template) self._verbose = verbose self._front_to_back = dict() self._dt = step_size self._dt_adapt = step_size_adaptation self._def_shape = (1,) if scalar_shape is None else scalar_shape # translate the network into a networkx graph net = NetworkGraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, label=label, step_size=step_size, step_size_adaptation=step_size_adaptation, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) # parse network equations into a compute graph if verbose: print("\t(3) Parsing the model equations into a compute graph...") self.graph = self.network_to_computegraph(graph=net, backend=backend, **kwargs) if verbose: print("\t\t...finished.") print("\tModel compilation was finished.")
[docs] def get_var(self, var: str, get_key: bool = False) -> Union[str, ComputeVar]: """Extracts variable from the backend (i.e. the `ComputeGraph` instance). Parameters ---------- var Name of the variable. get_key If true, the backend variable name will be returned Returns ------- Union[str, ComputeVar] Either the backend variable or its name. """ try: v = self[var] except KeyError: v = self._front_to_back[var] return if get_key else v
[docs] def get_frontend_varname(self, var: str) -> str: """Returns the original frontend variable name given the backend variable name `var`. Parameters ---------- var Name of the backend variable. Returns ------- str Name of the frontend variable """ v = self.get_var(var) front_vars = list(self._front_to_back.keys()) back_vars = list(self._front_to_back.values()) idx = back_vars.index(v) return front_vars[idx]
[docs] def run(self, simulation_time: float, outputs: Optional[dict] = None, sampling_step_size: Optional[float] = None, solver: str = 'euler', **kwargs ) -> dict: """Simulate the backend behavior over time via a tensorflow session. Parameters ---------- simulation_time Simulation time in seconds. outputs Output variables that will be returned. Each key is the desired name of an output variable and each value is a string that specifies a variable in the graph in the same format as used for the input definition: 'node_name/op_name/var_name'. sampling_step_size Time in seconds between sampling points of the output variables. solver Numerical solving scheme to use for differential equations. Currently supported ODE solving schemes: - 'euler' for the explicit Euler method - 'scipy' for integration via the `scipy.integrate.solve_ivp` method. kwargs Keyword arguments that are passed on to the chosen solver. Returns ------- dict Output variables in a dictionary. """ filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) # collect backend variables and functions ######################################### if self._verbose: print("Simulation Progress") print("-------------------") print("\t (1) Generating the network run function...") # generate run function func_name = kwargs.pop('func_name', 'vector_field') func, func_args, _, _ = self.get_run_func(func_name, **kwargs) # extract backend variables that correspond to requested output variables if self._verbose: print("\t (2) Processing output variables...") outputs_col = {} if outputs: for key, val in outputs.items(): outputs_col[key] = self.get_var(val, get_key=True) if self._verbose: print("\t\t...finished.") # perform simulation #################### if self._verbose: print("\t (3) Running the simulation...") t0 = time.perf_counter() # call backend run function results =, func_args=func_args, T=simulation_time, dt=self._dt, dts=sampling_step_size, outputs=outputs_col, solver=solver, **kwargs) if self._verbose: t1 = time.perf_counter() print(f"\t\t...finished after {t1-t0}s.") # return simulation results if outputs have been passed if outputs_col: return results # else, find the frontend variable names of the returned results and create a new results dict to return for key in results.copy(): front_key = self.get_frontend_varname(key) results[front_key] = results.pop(key) return results
[docs] def get_run_func(self, func_name: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> tuple: if not file_name: file_name = f"pyrates_func" return self.graph.to_func(func_name=func_name, file_name=file_name, dt_adapt=self._dt_adapt, **kwargs)
[docs] def network_to_computegraph(self, graph: NetworkGraph, inplace_vectorfield: bool = True, **kwargs): # initialize compute graph cg = ComputeGraph(**kwargs) if inplace_vectorfield else ComputeGraphBackProp(**kwargs) # add global time variable to compute graph cg.add_var(label="t", vtype="state_var", value=0.0 if self._dt_adapt else 0, shape=(), dtype='float' if self._dt_adapt else 'int') # node operators parsing_kwargs = ['parsing_method'] parsing_kwargs = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in parsing_kwargs if key in kwargs} self._parse_op_layers_into_computegraph(graph, cg, layers=[], exclude=True, op_identifier="edge_from_", **parsing_kwargs) # edge operators self._parse_op_layers_into_computegraph(graph, cg, layers=[0], exclude=False, op_identifier="edge_from_", **parsing_kwargs) return cg
[docs] def getitem_from_iterator(self, key: str, key_iter: Iterator[str]): return self.graph.get_var(key)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the backend graph from all operations and variables. """ self._front_to_back.clear() self.graph.clear() in_edge_indices.clear() in_edge_vars.clear()
def _parse_op_layers_into_computegraph(self, net: NetworkGraph, cg: ComputeGraph, layers: list, exclude: bool = False, op_identifier: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- layers exclude op_identifier kwargs Returns ------- """ for node_name, node in net.nodes.items(): op_graph = node['node'].op_graph g = op_graph.copy() # type: DiGraph # go through all operators on node and pre-process + extract equations and variables i = 0 while g.nodes: # get all operators that have no dependencies on other operators # noinspection PyTypeChecker ops = [op for op, in_degree in g.in_degree if in_degree == 0] if (i in layers and not exclude) or (i not in layers and exclude): # collect operator variables and equations from node if op_identifier: ops_tmp = [op for op in ops if op_identifier not in op] if exclude else \ [op for op in ops if op_identifier in op] else: ops_tmp = ops op_eqs, op_vars = self._collect_ops(ops_tmp, node_name=node_name, graph=net, compute_graph=cg, reduce=exclude) # parse equations and variables into computegraph variables = parse_equations(op_eqs, op_vars, cg=cg, def_shape=self._def_shape, **kwargs) # remember mapping between frontend variable names and node keys in compute graph for key, var in variables.items(): if key.split('/')[-1] != 'inputs' and isinstance(var, ComputeVar): self._front_to_back[key] = var # remove parsed operators from graph g.remove_nodes_from(ops) i += 1 def _collect_ops(self, ops: List[str], node_name: str, graph: NetworkGraph, compute_graph: ComputeGraph, reduce: bool) -> tuple: """Adds a number of operations to the backend graph. Parameters ---------- ops Names of the operators that should be parsed into the graph. node_name Name of the node that the operators belong to. graph compute_graph reduce Returns ------- tuple Collected and updated operator equations and variables """ # set up update operation collector variable equations = [] variables = {} # add operations of same hierarchical lvl to compute graph ############################################################ for op_name in ops: # retrieve operator and operator args scope = f"{node_name}/{op_name}" op_info = graph[f"{node_name}/{op_name}"] op_args = deepcopy(op_info['variables']) op_args['inputs'] = {} # handle operator inputs in_ops = {} for var_name, inp in op_info['inputs'].items(): # go through inputs to variable if inp['sources']: in_ops_col = {} in_node = inp['node'] if 'node' in inp else node_name in_var_tmp = inp.pop('var', None) for i, in_op in enumerate(inp['sources']): # collect single input to op in_var = in_var_tmp if in_var_tmp else graph[f"{in_node}/{in_op}"]['output'] in_key = f"{in_node}/{in_op}/{in_var}" try: in_val = self._front_to_back[in_key] except KeyError: in_val = graph[in_key] in_ops_col[in_key] = in_val # if multiple inputs to variable, sum them up if len(in_ops_col) > 1: in_ops[var_name] = self._map_multiple_inputs(in_ops_col, scope=scope) else: key, _ = in_ops_col.popitem() in_ops[var_name] = (None, {var_name: key}) # replace input variables with input in operator equations for var, (inp_term, inp) in in_ops.items(): if inp_term: op_info['equations'] = [replace(eq, var_name, inp_term) for eq in op_info['equations']] op_args['inputs'].update(inp) # collect operator variables and equations variables[f"{scope}/inputs"] = {} equations += [(eq, scope) for eq in op_info['equations']] for key, var in op_args.items(): full_key = f"{scope}/{key}" # case I: global time variable if key == "t": variables[full_key] = compute_graph.get_var('t') # case II: input variables elif key == 'inputs' and var: variables[f"{scope}/inputs"].update(var) for in_var in var.values(): try: variables[in_var] = self._front_to_back[in_var] except KeyError: variables[in_var] = graph[in_var] else: try: # case III: variables that have already been processed variables[full_key] = self._front_to_back[full_key] except KeyError: # case IV: new variables variables[full_key] = self._finalize_var_def(var, reduce) return equations, variables @staticmethod def _finalize_var_def(v: dict, reduce: bool): if not reduce: return v if not v: return v if v['vtype'] != 'constant': return v if v['dtype'] != 'float': return v if 'shape' in v and len(v['shape']) > 1: return v if len(np.unique(v['value'])) > 1: return v try: v['value'] = v['value'][0] v['shape'] = tuple() except (TypeError, IndexError): pass return v @staticmethod def _map_multiple_inputs(inputs: dict, scope: str) -> tuple: """Creates mapping between multiple input variables and a single output variable. Parameters ---------- inputs Input variables. scope Scope of the input variables Returns ------- tuple Equation that sums up all input variables and the mapping to the respective input variables """ # preparations if scope not in in_edge_vars: in_edge_vars[scope] = {} inputs_unique = in_edge_vars[scope] input_mapping = {} new_input_vars = [] # go through all inputs for key, var in inputs.items(): # get a unique label for the input variable try: in_var = except AttributeError: in_var = key.split('/')[-1] inp, inputs_unique_tmp = get_unique_label(in_var, inputs_unique) inputs_unique.update(inputs_unique_tmp) # store input-related information new_input_vars.append(inp) input_mapping[inp] = key # collect input into single variable input_term = f"({'+'.join(new_input_vars)})" return input_term, input_mapping @property def nodes(self): """Shortcut to self.graph.nodes. See documentation of `networkx.MultiDiGraph.nodes`.""" return self.graph.nodes @property def edges(self): """Shortcut to self.graph.edges. See documentation of `networkx.MultiDiGraph.edges`.""" return self.graph.edges
def _get_indexed_var_str(var: str, idx: Union[tuple, str, list], var_length: int = None, reduce: bool = False, idx_str: str = None, arg_dict: dict = None): if type(idx) is tuple: if var_length and int(idx[1]) - int(idx[0]) == var_length: return var elif not var_length: var = f"reshape({var}, 1)" return f"index_range({var}, {idx[0]}, {idx[1]})" if type(idx) is str and len(idx) > 0: if not var_length: var = f"reshape({var}, 1)" return f"index({var}, {idx})" if len(idx) > 0: if len(idx) == var_length: identical = True for i1, i2 in zip(idx, list(np.arange(0, var_length))): if i1 != i2: identical = False break if identical: return var if idx_str: arg_dict[idx_str] = {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': idx, 'dtype': 'int', 'shape': (len(idx),)} return f"index({var}, {idx_str})" return f"index({var}, {idx})" if reduce: return f"index({var}, {idx[0]})" return var def _get_source_str(): pass def _get_target_str(): pass