Source code for tests.test_backend_simulations

"""Test suite for basic backend simulation functionalities.

# external _imports
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import pytest

# pyrates internal _imports
from pyrates import integrate

# meta infos
__author__ = "Richard Gast, Daniel Rose"
__status__ = "Development"

# Utility #

# set backends to run the tests for
backends = ['default']

# set accuracy for all tests
accuracy = 1e-4

[docs]def setup_module(): print("\n") print("==================================================") print("| Test Suite: Backend Simulation Functionalities |") print("==================================================")
[docs]def nmrse(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Calculates the normalized root mean squared error of two vectors of equal length. Parameters ---------- x,y Arrays to calculate the nmrse between. Returns ------- float Normalized root mean squared error. """ max_val = np.max((np.max(x, axis=0), np.max(y, axis=0))) min_val = np.min((np.min(x, axis=0), np.min(y, axis=0))) diff = x - y return np.sqrt(np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=0)) / (max_val - min_val)
######### # Tests # #########
[docs]def test_2_1_operator(): """Testing operator functionality of compute graph class: See Also -------- :method:`add_operator`: Detailed documentation of method for adding operations to instance of `ComputeGraph`. """ # simulation parameters dt = 1e-1 sim_time = 10.0 sim_steps = int(sim_time / dt) inp = np.zeros((sim_steps,)) + 0.5 for b in backends: # test correct numerical evaluation of operator with two coupled simple, linear equations ######################################################################################### # simulate operator behavior results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net0", simulation_time=sim_time, step_size=dt, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op0/a'}, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net0') # generate target values update0_1 = lambda x: x * 0.5 update0_0 = lambda x: x + 2.0 targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = targets[i, 0] + dt * update0_0(targets[i, 1]) targets[i + 1, 1] = targets[i, 1] + dt * update0_1(targets[i, 0]) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 1] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of operator with a single differential equation and external input ###################################################################################################### # simulate operator behavior results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net1", simulation_time=sim_time, step_size=dt, inputs={'pop0/op1/u': inp}, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op1/a'}, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net1') # calculate operator behavior from hand update1 = lambda x, y: x + dt * (y - x) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 1), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1] = update1(targets[i], inp[i]) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 0] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of operator with two coupled equations (1 ODE, 1 non-DE eq.) ################################################################################################ results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net2", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op2/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net_2') # calculate operator behavior from hand update2 = lambda x: 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 1] = update2(targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 0] = update1(targets[i, 0], targets[i + 1, 1]) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 0] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of operator with a two coupled DEs ###################################################################### results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net3", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'b': 'pop0/op3/b'}, inputs={'pop0/op3/u': inp}, out_dir="/tmp/log", step_size=dt, vectorize=True, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net_3') # calculate operator behavior from hand update3_0 = lambda a, b, u: a + dt * (-10. * a + b ** 2 + u) update3_1 = lambda b, a: b + dt * 0.1 * a targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update3_0(targets[i, 0], targets[i, 1], inp[i]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update3_1(targets[i, 1], targets[i, 0]) diff = results['b'].values[:] - targets[:, 1] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_2_node(): """Testing node functionality of compute graph class. See Also -------- :method:`add_node`: Detailed documentation of method for adding nodes to instance of `ComputeGraph`. """ dt = 1e-1 sim_time = 10. sim_steps = int(np.round(sim_time/dt)) for b in backends: # test correct numerical evaluation of node with 2 operators, where op1 projects to op2 ####################################################################################### # simulate node behavior results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net4", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op1/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=True, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net4') # calculate node behavior from hand update0 = lambda x: x + dt * 2. update1 = lambda x, y: x + dt * (y - x) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update0(targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update1(targets[i, 1], targets[i, 0]) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 1] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of node with 2 independent operators ######################################################################## # simulate node behavior results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net5", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op5/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=True, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net5') # calculate node behavior from hand targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update0(targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update1(targets[i, 1], 0.) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 1] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of node with 2 independent operators projecting to the same target operator ############################################################################################################### results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net6", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op1/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=True, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net6') # calculate node behavior from hand targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 3), dtype=np.float32) update2 = lambda x: x + dt * (4. + np.tanh(0.5)) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update0(targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update2(targets[i, 1]) targets[i + 1, 2] = update1(targets[i, 2], targets[i, 0] + targets[i, 1]) diff = results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 2] assert np.mean(np.abs(diff)) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of node with 1 source operator projecting to 2 independent targets ###################################################################################################### results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net7", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op1/a', 'b': 'pop0/op3/b'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=True, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net7') # calculate node behavior from hand targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 4), dtype=np.float32) update3 = lambda a, b, u: a + dt * (-10. * a + b ** 2 + u) update4 = lambda x, y: x + dt * 0.1 * y for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update0(targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update1(targets[i, 1], targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 2] = update3(targets[i, 2], targets[i, 3], targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 3] = update4(targets[i, 3], targets[i, 2]) diff = np.mean(np.abs(results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 1])) + \ np.mean(np.abs(results['b'].values[:] - targets[:, 3])) assert diff == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_3_edge(): """Testing edge functionality of compute graph class. See Also -------- :method:`add_edge`: Detailed documentation of add_edge method of `ComputeGraph`class. """ dt = 1e-1 sim_time = 10. sim_steps = int(np.round(sim_time/dt)) inp = np.zeros((sim_steps, 1)) + 0.5 final_results_comparison = [] for b in backends: # test correct numerical evaluation of graph with 1 source projecting unidirectional to 2 target nodes ###################################################################################################### # calculate edge behavior from hand update0 = lambda x, y: x + dt * y * 0.5 update1 = lambda x, y: x + dt * (y + 2.0) update2 = lambda x, y: x + dt * (y - x) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 4), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update0(targets[i, 0], targets[i, 1]) targets[i + 1, 1] = update1(targets[i, 1], targets[i, 0]) targets[i + 1, 2] = update2(targets[i, 2], targets[i, 0] * 2.0) targets[i + 1, 3] = update2(targets[i, 3], targets[i, 0] * 0.5) # simulate edge behavior results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net8", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop1/op1/a', 'b': 'pop2/op1/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net8') diff = np.mean(np.abs(results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 2])) + \ np.mean(np.abs(results['b'].values[:] - targets[:, 3])) assert diff == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of graph with 2 bidirectionaly coupled nodes ################################################################################ results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net9", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op1/a', 'b': 'pop1/op7/a'}, inputs={'pop1/op7/inp': inp}, step_size=dt, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net9') # calculate edge behavior from hand update3 = lambda x, y, z: x + dt * (y + z - x) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(sim_steps-1): targets[i + 1, 0] = update2(targets[i, 0], targets[i, 1] * 0.5) targets[i + 1, 1] = update3(targets[i, 1], targets[i, 0] * 2.0, inp[i]) diff = np.mean(np.abs(results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 0])) + \ np.mean(np.abs(results['b'].values[:] - targets[:, 1])) assert diff == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of graph with 2 bidirectionally delay-coupled nodes ####################################################################################### results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net10", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a': 'pop0/op8/a', 'b': 'pop1/op8/a'}, step_size=dt, vectorize=False, backend=b, clear=True, file_name='net10') # calculate edge behavior from hand delay0 = int(0.5 / dt) delay1 = int(1. / dt) targets = np.zeros((sim_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) update4 = lambda x, y: x + dt * (2.0 + y) for i in range(sim_steps-1): inp0 = 0. if i < delay0 else targets[i - delay0, 1] inp1 = 0. if i < delay1 else targets[i - delay1, 0] targets[i + 1, 0] = update4(targets[i, 0], inp0 * 0.5) targets[i + 1, 1] = update4(targets[i, 1], inp1 * 2.0) diff = np.mean(np.abs(results['a'].values[:] - targets[:, 0])) + \ np.mean(np.abs(results['b'].values[:] - targets[:, 1])) assert diff == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test correct numerical evaluation of graph with delay distributions ##################################################################### results = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'p1/op9/a', 'a2': 'p2/op10/a'}, inputs={'p1/op9/I_ext': inp}, vectorize=False, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, file_name='net11') final_results_comparison.append(results.values) if len(final_results_comparison) > 1: r0 = final_results_comparison[0] final_comparison = np.mean([r0 - r for r in final_results_comparison[1:]]) assert final_comparison == pytest.approx(0.0, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_4_solver(): """Testing different numerical solvers of pyrates. See Also -------- :method:`_solve`: Detailed documentation of how to numerical integration is performed by the `NumpyBackend`. :method:`run`: Detailed documentation of the method that needs to be called to solve differential equations in the `NumpyBackend`. """ # define input dt = 1e-4 dts = 1e-1 sim_time = 20. sim_steps = int(np.round(sim_time / dt, decimals=0)) inp = np.zeros((sim_steps, 1)) + 0.5 for b in backends: # standard euler solver (trusted) r = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'p1/op9/a', 'a2': 'p2/op10/a'}, inputs={'p1/op9/I_ext': inp}, vectorize=False, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, file_name='euler_solver', sampling_step_size=dts) # scipy solver (tested) r2 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'p1/op9/a', 'a2': 'p2/op10/a'}, inputs={'p1/op9/I_ext': inp}, method='RK23', vectorize=False, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='scipy', clear=True, file_name='scipy_solver', sampling_step_size=dts) # Heun's method (tested) r3 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'p1/op9/a', 'a2': 'p2/op10/a'}, inputs={'p1/op9/I_ext': inp}, vectorize=False, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='heun', clear=True, file_name='heun_solver', sampling_step_size=dts) assert np.mean(r.loc[:, 'a2'].values - r2.loc[:, 'a2'].values) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) assert np.mean(r.loc[:, 'a2'].values - r3.loc[:, 'a2'].values) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_5_inputs_outputs(): """Tests the input-output interface of the run method in circuits of different hierarchical depth. See Also ------- :method:`` detailed documentation of how to use the arguments `inputs` and `outputs`. """ dt = 1e-3 dts = 1e-1 sim_time = 10. sim_steps = int(np.round(sim_time / dt, decimals=0)) inp = np.zeros((sim_steps, 1)) + 0.5 for b in backends: # define inputs and outputs for each population separately ########################################################## # perform simulation r1 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'p1/op9/a'}, inputs={'p1/op9/I_ext': inp}, vectorize=True, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, file_name='inout_1', sampling_step_size=dts) # define input and output for both populations simultaneously ############################################################# # perform simulation r2 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net13", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs=['all/op9/a'], inputs={'all/op9/I_ext': inp}, vectorize=True, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, file_name='inout_2', sampling_step_size=dts) assert np.mean(r1.values.flatten() - r2.values.flatten()) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # repeat in a network with 2 hierarchical levels of node organization ##################################################################### # define input inp2 = np.zeros((sim_steps, 1)) + 0.1 # perform simulation r1 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net14", simulation_time=sim_time, vectorize=True, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, sampling_step_size=dts, outputs={'a1': 'c1/p1/op9/a', 'a2': 'c1/p2/op10/a', 'a3': 'c2/p1/op9/a', 'a4': 'c2/p2/op10/a'}, inputs={'c1/p1/op9/I_ext': inp, 'c1/p2/op10/I_ext': inp2, 'c2/p1/op9/I_ext': inp, 'c2/p2/op10/I_ext': inp2}, file_name='inout_3') # perform simulation r2 = integrate("model_templates.test_resources.test_backend.net14", simulation_time=sim_time, outputs={'a1': 'all/all/op9/a', 'a2': 'all/all/op10/a'}, inputs={'all/all/op9/I_ext': inp, 'all/all/op10/I_ext': inp2}, vectorize=True, step_size=dt, backend=b, solver='euler', clear=True, file_name='inout_4', sampling_step_size=dts) assert np.mean(r1.values.flatten() - r2.values.flatten()) == pytest.approx(0., rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_6_vectorization(): """Tests whether a Jansen-Rit-based circuit with and without vectorization of mathematical operations yields identical results. See Also -------- :method:`` for a documentation of the keyword argument `vectorize`. """ dt = 1e-4 dts = 1e-2 T = 1.0 inp = np.zeros((int(np.round(T/dt)),)) + 220.0 for i, b in enumerate(backends): # simulation without vectorization of the network equations r1 = integrate("model_templates.neural_mass_models.jansenrit.JRC_2delaycoupled", vectorize=False, inputs={"jrc2/pc/rpo_e_in/u": inp}, outputs={"r": "jrc1/ein/rpo_e/v"}, backend=b, solver='euler', step_size=dt, clear=True, simulation_time=T, sampling_step_size=dts, file_name=f'novec{i + 1}') # simulation with vectorized network equations r2 = integrate("model_templates.neural_mass_models.jansenrit.JRC_2delaycoupled", vectorize=True, inputs={"jrc2/pc/rpo_e_in/u": inp}, outputs={"r": "jrc1/ein/rpo_e/v"}, backend=b, solver='euler', step_size=dt, clear=True, simulation_time=T, sampling_step_size=dts, file_name=f'vec{i + 1}') assert np.mean(r1.values - r2.values) == pytest.approx(0.0, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_2_7_backends(): """Tests the whether different backends produce comparable results when simulating the dynamics of different models. See Also ------- :method:`CircuitIR.__init__` for documentation of the available backend options. """ dt = 5e-4 dts = 1e-3 T = 10. r0 = integrate("model_templates.neural_mass_models.qif.qif_sfa", simulation_time=T, sampling_step_size=dts, inputs=None, outputs={"r": "p/qif_sfa_op/r"}, solver='euler', step_size=dt, clear=True, file_name='m0', vectorize=False) for i, b in enumerate(backends): if b != 'default': r = integrate("model_templates.neural_mass_models.qif.qif_sfa", inputs=None, outputs={"r": "p/qif_sfa_op/r"}, backend=b, solver='euler', step_size=dt, clear=True, simulation_time=T, sampling_step_size=dts, file_name=f'm{i+1}', vectorize=False) assert np.mean(r0.values - r.values) == pytest.approx(0.0, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)