Source code for tests.test_backend_parser

"""Test suite for basic parser module functionality.

# external _imports
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import pytest

# pyrates internal _imports
from pyrates.backend.parser import parse_equations
from pyrates.backend.parser import ExpressionParser
from pyrates.backend.computegraph import ComputeGraph

# meta infos
__author__ = "Richard Gast, Daniel Rose"
__status__ = "Development"

# Utility #

[docs]def setup_module(): print("\n") print("==============================") print("| Test Suite : Parser Module |") print("==============================")
# list parsers to be tested and their backends backends = ['default'] parsers = [ExpressionParser] # test accuracy accuracy = 1e-4 ######### # Tests # #########
[docs]def test_1_1_expression_parser_init(): """Testing initializations of different expression parsers: See Also -------- :class:`ExpressionParser`: Detailed documentation of expression parser attributes and methods. :class:`NPExpressionParser`: Documentation of the numpy-based expression parser """ # test minimal minimal call example ################################### for Parser, backend in zip(parsers, backends): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parser = Parser("a + b", {'a': np.ones((3, 3)), 'b': 5.}, cg=cg) assert isinstance(parser, Parser)
[docs]def test_1_2_expression_parser_parsing_exceptions(): """Testing error handling of different erroneous parser instantiations: See Also -------- :class:`ExpressionParser`: Detailed documentation of expression parser attributes and methods. :class:`LambdaExpressionParser`: Documentation of a non-symbolic expression parser. """ # test expected exceptions ########################## for Parser, backend in zip(parsers, backends): # undefined variables with pytest.raises(KeyError): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) Parser("a + b", args={}, cg=cg).parse_expr() # wrong dimensionality of dictionary arguments args = {'a': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': np.ones((3, 3)), 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': (3, 3)}, 'b': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': np.ones((4, 4)), 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': (4, 4)}} with pytest.raises(ValueError): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) Parser("a + b", args=args, cg=cg).parse_expr() cg.eval_graph() # wrong data type of dictionary arguments args = {'a': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': np.ones((3, 3)), 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': (3, 3)}, 'b': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': np.ones((3, 3)), 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': (3, 3)}} with pytest.raises(ValueError): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) Parser("bool(a) + float32(b)", args=args, cg=cg).parse_expr() cg.eval_graph() # undefined mathematical operator args = {'a': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': np.ones((3, 3)), 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': (3, 3)}, 'b': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': 5., 'dtype': 'float32', 'shape': ()}} with pytest.raises(ValueError): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) Parser("a $ b", args=args, cg=cg).parse_expr() cg.eval_graph()
[docs]def test_1_3_expression_parser_math_ops(): """Testing handling of mathematical operations by expression parsers: See Also -------- :class:`ExpressionParser`: Detailed documentation of expression parser attributes and methods. :class:`LambdaExpressionParser`: Documentation of a non-symbolic expression parser. """ # define test cases math_expressions = [("4 + 5", 9.), # simple addition ("4 - 5", -1.), # simple subtraction ("4. * 5.", 20.), # simple multiplication ("4. / 5.", 0.8), # simple division ("4.^2.", 16.), # simple exponentiation ("4. + -5.", -1.), # negation of variable ("4. * -2.", -8.), # negation of variable in higher-order operation ("4. + 5. * 2.", 14.), # multiplication before addition ("(4. + 5.) * 2.", 18.), # parentheses before everything ("4. * 5.^2.", 100.) # exponentiation before multiplication ] # test expression parser on expression results ############################################## # define backends for backend, parser in zip(backends, parsers): # evaluate expressions for expr, target in math_expressions: cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) p = parser(expr_str=expr, args={}, cg=cg) p.parse_expr() result = cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates['non-DEs']['x']) assert result == pytest.approx(target, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)
[docs]def test_1_4_expression_parser_funcs(): """Testing handling of function calls by expression parsers: See Also -------- :class:`ExpressionParser`: Detailed documentation of expression parser attributes and methods. :class:`LambdaExpressionParser`: Documentation of a non-symbolic expression parser. """ # define variables A = np.array(np.random.randn(10, 10), dtype=np.float32) args = {'A': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': A, 'shape': A.shape, 'dtype': A.dtype}} # define valid test cases expressions = [("abs(5.)", 5.), # simple function call ("abs(-5.)", 5.), # function call of negative arg ("abs(4. * -2. + 1)", 7.), # function call on mathematical expression ("int64(4 > 5)", 0), # function call on boolean expression ("abs(index(A, 2))", np.abs(A[2])), # function call on indexed variable ("abs(sin(1.5))", np.abs(np.sin(1.5))), # nested function calls ] # define invalid test cases expressions_wrong = ["abs((4.)", # wrong parentheses I "abs[4.]", # wrong parentheses II "abs(0. True)", # no comma separation on arguments "abs(0.,1,5,3)", # wrong argument number ] # test function calling on different backends ############################################# for backend, parser in zip(backends, parsers): # start testing: valid cases for expr, target in expressions: cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parser(expr_str=expr, args=deepcopy(args), cg=cg).parse_expr() result = cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates['non-DEs']['x']) assert result == pytest.approx(target, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # invalid cases for expr in expressions_wrong[:-1]: with pytest.raises((IndexError, ValueError, SyntaxError, TypeError, BaseException)): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parser(expr_str=expr, args=deepcopy(args), cg=cg).parse_expr() cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates['non-DEs']['x'])
[docs]def test_1_5_expression_parser_indexing(): """Testing handling of indexing operations by expression parsers: See Also -------- :class:`ExpressionParser`: Detailed documentation of expression parser attributes and methods. :class:`LambdaExpressionParser`: Documentation of a non-symbolic expression parser. """ # test indexing ability of tensorflow-based parser ################################################## A = np.array(np.random.randn(10, 10), dtype=np.float32) B = np.asarray([0, 2, 4], dtype=np.int32) C = np.asarray([1, 3, 5], dtype=np.int32) arg_dict = {'A': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': A, 'shape': A.shape, 'dtype': A.dtype}, 'B': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': B, 'shape': B.shape, 'dtype': B.dtype}, 'C': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': C, 'shape': C.shape, 'dtype': C.dtype}, 'd': {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': 4, 'shape': (), 'dtype': 'int32'}} # define valid test cases indexed_expressions = [ ("index(A, 0)", A[0]), # single-dim indexing I ("index(A, 9)", A[9]), # single-dim indexing II ("index(A, B)", A[B]), # single-dim indexing III ("index_range(A, 0, 5)", A[0:5]), # slicing I ("index_range(A, d, 8-1)", A[4:8 - 1]), # slicing II ("index_axis(A)", A[:]), # slicing III ("index_2d(A, 4, 5)", A[4, 5]), # two-dim indexing I ("index_2d(A, B, 1)", A[B, 1]), # two-dim indexing II ("index_2d(A, B, C)", A[B, C]), # two-dim indexing III ("index_axis(A, B, 1)", A[:, B]), # two-dim indexing IV ] # define invalid test cases indexed_expressions_wrong = ["index(A, 1.2)", # wrong data type of index "index(A, all)", # non-existing indexing variable "index(A, 11)", # index out of bounds "index_2d(A, 0, 5, 1)", # too many arguments for indexing "A[::-1]", # wrong parser syntax ] # test indexing ability of numpy-based parser ############################################# for backend, parser in zip(backends, parsers): # test expression parsers on expression results for expr, target in indexed_expressions: cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parser(expr_str=expr, args=deepcopy(arg_dict), cg=cg).parse_expr() result = cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates['non-DEs']['x']) assert result == pytest.approx(target, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy) # test expression parsers on expression results for expr in indexed_expressions_wrong: with pytest.raises((IndexError, ValueError, SyntaxError, TypeError, BaseException)): cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parser(expr_str=expr, args=deepcopy(arg_dict), cg=cg).parse_expr() cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates['non-DEs']['x'])
[docs]def test_1_7_equation_parsing(): """Tests equation parsing functionalities. See Also -------- :func:`parse_equation`: Detailed documentation of parse_equation arguments. """ # define test equations equations = ["a = 5. + 2.", # simple update of variable "d/dt * a = 5.**2", # simple differential equation ] # define equation variables a = np.zeros(shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32) args = {'node/op/a': {'vtype': 'state_var', 'value': a, 'shape': a.shape, 'dtype': a.dtype}, } # define equation results results = [7., 25.0] result_vars = [('non-DEs', 'a'), ('DEs', 'a')] # test equation solving of parser ################################# for backend, parser in zip(backends, parsers): # test equation parser on different test equations for eq, target, tvar in zip(equations, results, result_vars): # numpy-based parsing cg = ComputeGraph(backend=backend) parse_equations(equations=[(eq, 'node/op')], equation_args=deepcopy(args), cg=cg, def_shape=()) result = cg.eval_node(cg.var_updates[tvar[0]][tvar[1]]) assert result == pytest.approx(target, rel=accuracy, abs=accuracy)