Source code for pyrates.frontend.template.circuit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# PyRates software framework for flexible implementation of neural 
# network model_templates and simulations. See also:
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the original authors (Richard Gast and 
# Daniel Rose), the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive Brain 
# Sciences ("MPI CBS") and contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>
# Richard Gast and Daniel Rose et. al. in preparation
"""Basic neural mass backend class plus derivations of it.

This module includes the base circuit class that manages the set-up and simulation of population networks. Additionally,
it features various subclasses that act as circuit constructors and allow to build circuits based on different input
arguments. For more detailed descriptions, see the respective docstrings.


# external packages
import gc
from typing import List, Union, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Callable
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex
import numpy as np

# pyrates internal _imports
from pyrates.frontend.template._io import _complete_template_path
from import AbstractBaseTemplate
from pyrates.frontend.template.edge import EdgeTemplate
from pyrates.frontend.template.node import NodeTemplate
from pyrates.frontend.template.operator import OperatorTemplate
from import get_unique_label, CircuitIR, PyRatesException, PyRatesWarning
from import EdgeIR
from import clear_ir_caches

__author__ = "Richard Gast, Daniel Rose"
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class CircuitTemplate(AbstractBaseTemplate): """Base class for hierarchical networks, composed of either nodes or other circuits, connected by edges. Parameters ---------- name String-based label of the network. Merely serves identification purposes. path Path to the YAML template this template was loaded from. If the `CircuitTemplate` is not loaded from a YAML template, this parameter can be ignored. description Optional description of the network. Merely serves documentation purposes. circuits For hierarchical networks, `CircuitTemplate` instances can be constructed from a dictionary of other circuits. Keys should be the circuit names and values the `CircuitTemplate` instances. nodes Dictionary with keys being node names and values being `NodeTemplate` instances or paths to YAML definitions of node templates. This parameter has to be left empty of `circuits` are provided. edges Lists of tuples, where each tuple contains (1) a source node name, (2) a target node name, (3) an `EdgeTemplate` instance, path to a YAML definition of an `EdgeTemplate` or `null`, and (4) a dictionary with edge attributes. Attributes ---------- nodes Dictionary with keys being node names and values being `NodeTemplate` instances. circuits Dictionary with keys being circuit names and values being `CircuitTemplate` instances. edges List with edge tuples that contain: (1) a source node name, (2) a target node name, (3) an `EdgeTemplate` instance or `None`, and (4) a dictionary with edge attributes. """ target_ir = CircuitIR def __init__(self, name: str, path: str = None, description: str = "A circuit template.", circuits: dict = None, nodes: dict = None, edges: List[tuple] = None): # initialize base template clase super().__init__(name, path, description) # ensure that either only nodes or only circuits exist on template for consistency of the node hierarchy if nodes and circuits: raise ValueError('CircuitTemplate has been initialized with both sub-circuits and nodes. However, all ' 'nodes in a circuit must have the same hierarchical depth. Please provide only a node or ' 'only a circuit dictionary. Note that you can add redundant hierarchy levels to each ' 'sub-circuit or node by constructing a CircuitTemplate that takes only a single other ' 'CircuitTemplate as input.') # add nodes to the template self.nodes = {} # type: Dict[str, NodeTemplate] if nodes: for key, node in nodes.items(): if isinstance(node, str): path = _complete_template_path(node, self.path) self.nodes[key] = NodeTemplate.from_yaml(path) else: self.nodes[key] = node # add circuits to the template self.circuits = {} if circuits: for key, circuit in circuits.items(): if isinstance(circuit, str): path = _complete_template_path(circuit, self.path) self.circuits[key] = CircuitTemplate.from_yaml(path) else: self.circuits[key] = circuit # add edges to the template self._edge_map = {} if edges: self.edges = self._load_edge_templates(edges) else: self.edges = [] # private attributes self._ir = None self._depth = self._get_hierarchy_depth() self._vectorization_labels = {} self._vectorization_indices = {} self._state_var_indices = {} self._state_var_values = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Attempts to return the node with name `item`. """ try: return self.nodes[item] except KeyError: warn(PyRatesWarning(f"Node with name {item} was not found on {}.")) return
@property def state(self): return self._state_var_values
[docs] def to_yaml(self, path, **kwargs) -> None: """Shorthand to save the `CircuitTemplate` to a yaml file. After that call, either a new YAML file has been created including all template definitions required to reconstruct the `CircuitTemplate` instance, or additional operators have been added to the already existing YAML file. Parameters ---------- path (str) path to YAML template of the form `` or path/to/template_file/template_name.TemplateName. The dot notation refers to a path that can be found using python's import functionality. That means it needs to be a module (a folder containing an ``) located in the Python path (e.g. the current working directory). The slash notation refers to a file in an absolute or relative path from the current working directory. In either case the second-to-last part refers to the filename without file extension and the last part refers to the template name. kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `pyrates.frontend.fileio.yaml.dump_to_yaml` Returns ------- None """ from pyrates.frontend.template import to_yaml to_yaml(self, path)
[docs] def update_template(self, name: str = None, path: str = None, description: str = None, circuits: dict = None, nodes: dict = None, edges: List[tuple] = None, in_place: bool = False): """Update all entries of the circuit template in their respective ways. See the documentation of `CircuitTemplate` for a detailed description of the method parameters. Parameters ---------- name Name of the template. path Path to the YAML template definition. description Optional description of the template. circuits Updates to template circuits. Keys should be the circuit names and values the `CircuitTemplate` instances. nodes Updates to template nodes. Keys should be the node names and values the `NodeTemplate` instances. edges Updates to template edges. List with edge tuples that contain: (1) a source node name, (2) a target node name, (3) an `EdgeTemplate` instance or `None`, and (4) a dictionary with edge attributes. in_place If true, all changes will be made to this particular CircuitTemplate instance and nothing is returned. If False, a new instance with the updates will be returned while keeping the old instance as it was. Returns ------- CircuitTemplate New, updated `CircuitTemplate` instance. """ if nodes and circuits: raise ValueError('CircuitTemplate cannot use both sub-circuits and nodes, since all ' 'nodes in a circuit must have the same hierarchical depth. Please provide only a node or ' 'only a circuit dictionary. Note that you can add redundant hierarchy levels to each ' 'sub-circuit or node by constructing a CircuitTemplate that takes only a single other ' 'CircuitTemplate as input.') if not name: name = if not path: path = self.path if not description: description = self.__doc__ if nodes: nodes = update_dict(self.nodes, nodes) else: nodes = self.nodes if circuits: circuits = update_dict(self.circuits, circuits) else: circuits = self.circuits if edges: edges = update_edges(self.edges, edges) else: edges = self.edges # either create new instance with updates or store updates on current template instance if not in_place: return self.__class__(name=name, path=path, description=description, circuits=circuits, nodes=nodes, edges=edges) = name self.path = path self.__doc__ = description self.circuits = circuits self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges
[docs] def update_var(self, node_vars: dict = None, edge_vars: list = None): """Update the value of node or edge variables. Parameters ---------- node_vars Dictionary with keys being pointers to variable names on nodes, using the `*circuit/node/op/var` notation. edge_vars List with edge tuples that contain: (1) a source node name, (2) a target node name, (3) an edge index, and (4) a dictionary with edge attributes. The latter can be used to update edge attributes. Returns ------- CircuitTemplate Pointer to the `CircuitTemplate` instance this method was called from. """ if node_vars is None: node_vars = {} if edge_vars is None: edge_vars = [] # updates to node variable values for key, val in node_vars.items(): *node, op, var = key.split('/') target_nodes = self.get_nodes(node_identifier=node, var_identifier=(op, var)) if not target_nodes: warn(PyRatesWarning(f'Variable {var} has not been found on operator {op} of node {node[0]}.')) n_nodes = len(target_nodes) for i, n in enumerate(target_nodes): node_temp = deepcopy(self.get_node_template(n)) val_tmp = val[i] if hasattr(val, 'shape') and sum(val.shape) == n_nodes else val node_temp.update_var(op=op, var=var, val=val_tmp) self.add_node_template(n, template=node_temp) # updates to edge variable values for source, target, edge_dict in edge_vars: _, _, _, base_dict = self.get_edge(source, target) base_dict.update(edge_dict) return self
[docs] def add_edges_from_matrix(self, source_var: str, target_var: str, source_nodes: list, target_nodes: list = None, weight=None, template=None, edge_attr: dict = None, min_weight: float = 1e-6) -> None: """Adds all possible edges between the `source_var` and `target_var` of all passed `nodes`. `Weight` and `Delay` need to be arrays containing scalars for each of those edges. Parameters ---------- source_var Pointer to a variable on the source nodes ('op/var'). target_var Pointer to a variable on the target nodes ('op/var'). source_nodes List of node names from which to extract the source variable. target_nodes List of node names to which to project the source variable. If `None`, `source_nodes` will be used instead. weight Optional N x N matrix with edge weights (N = number of nodes). If not passed, all edges receive a weight of 1.0. template Can be link to edge template that should be used for each edge. edge_attr Additional edge attributes. Can either be N x N matrices or other scalars/objects. min_weight Minimum absolute value a weight needs to have in order to be implemented as an edge. Returns ------- None """ if edge_attr is None: edge_attr = dict() if target_nodes is None: target_nodes = source_nodes # construct edge attribute dictionary from arguments #################################################### # weights and delays if weight is None: weight = np.ones((len(target_nodes), len(source_nodes))) edge_attributes = {'weight': weight} # add rest of the attributes edge_attributes.update(edge_attr) # construct edges list ###################### # find out which edge attributes have been passed as matrices matrix_attributes = dict() for key, attr in edge_attributes.copy().items(): if hasattr(attr, 'shape') and len(attr.shape) >= 2: matrix_attributes[key] = edge_attributes.pop(key) # create edge list edges = [] for i, source in enumerate(source_nodes): for j, target in enumerate(target_nodes): if np.abs(weight[j, i]) > min_weight: edge_attributes_tmp = {} # extract edge attribute value from matrices for key, attr in matrix_attributes.items(): edge_attributes_tmp[key] = attr[j, i] # add remaining attributes edge_attributes_tmp.update(edge_attributes.copy()) # add edge to list source_key, target_key = f"{source}/{source_var}", f"{target}/{target_var}" edges.append((source_key, target_key, template, edge_attributes_tmp)) # add edges to network self.update_template(edges=edges, in_place=True)
[docs] def run(self, simulation_time: float, step_size: float, inputs: Optional[dict] = None, outputs: Optional[Union[dict, list]] = None, sampling_step_size: Optional[float] = None, cutoff: Optional[float] = 0.0, solver: str = 'euler', backend: str = None, vectorize: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, clear: bool = True, in_place: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Method for calculating numerical solutions to the initial value problem for the dynamical system defined by this `CircuitTemplate` instance. Parameters ---------- simulation_time Total integration time. Unit depends on the definition of the time constants in the system. step_size Integration step-size. If a numerical solver with fixed step-size is chosen, this step-size determines the accuracy of the numerical solution. Else, it merely defines the inital step-size of the integration algorithm. inputs Dictionary providing extrinsic, time-dependent inputs to the system. Keys are the names of system variables, following the `*circuit/node/op/var` notation. Values are 1D numpy arrays that represent the input over time with time steps of size `step_size`. outputs Dictionary indicating for which system variables the dynamics over time (i.e. the numerical solution to the initial value problem) should be returned. Keys are the names under which the solutions will be available in the returned `pandas.DataFrame`. Values are the names of the system variables, following the `*circuit/node/op/var` notation. sampling_step_size Step-size at which the return values should be sampled. cutoff Initial simulation time that should be ignored for the return values. solver Numerical solver method that should be used to solve the initial value problem. Possible choices are: - 'euler': standard forward Euler method - 'scipy': Any method that is available via the `scipy.integrate.solve_ivp` function. See the documentation of that function for ways to adjust its default settings. Any arguments to the `solve_ivp` function can also be passed to the `` function. backend Name of the backend that should be used for implementing the system equations. Possible choices are: - 'default' or 'numpy': A backend based on `numpy` functions, representing all system variables as `np.ndarray`. - 'tensorflow': A backend that represents the system equations as a `tensorflow` graph, in which all system variables are stored as `tf.constant` or `tf.Variable`. - 'torch': A backend based on `pytorch` which represents all variables as `torch.tensor`. - 'fortran': Translates all system variables and equations into Fortran90 equivalents and uses `numpy.f2py` to make them available via Python. Requires `vectorize` to be set to `False`. - 'julia': Translates all system variables and equations into Julia equivalents and uses `PyJulia` to make them available via Python. Requires `vectorize` to be set to `False`. Also requires that the path to the julia executable that should be used for the simulation is provided via the keyword argument `julia_path`. vectorize If true, nodes that are governed by the same equation sets will be grouped and the respective equations will be vectorized. If false, all equations will be scalar in nature. verbose If true updates regarding the status of the `run` procedure will be displayed. clear If true, all cached variables will be freed and all temporary files will be deleted after the `run` procedure. in_place If false, a deep copy of the template instance will be made before translating it into the backend. This allows to call `run` multiple times on the same `CircuitTemplate` instance. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A Dataframe that includes the time series of the requested output variables. """ # translate circuit template into a graph representation ######################################################## # add extrinsic inputs to network adaptive_steps = is_integration_adaptive(solver, **kwargs) net = self if in_place else deepcopy(self) if inputs: for target, in_array in inputs.items(): net = net._add_input(target, in_array, adaptive_steps, simulation_time, vectorize) # validate backend settings self._validate_backend_args(backend, vectorize, run=True, **kwargs) # apply template (translate into compute graph, optional vectorization process) net.apply(adaptive_steps=adaptive_steps, vectorize=vectorize, verbose=verbose, backend=backend, step_size=step_size, **kwargs) # perform simulation via the graph representation ################################################# # create mapping between requested output variables and the current network variables if type(outputs) is dict: output_map, outputs_ir = net.get_variable_positions(outputs) else: output_map = {} outputs_ir = {} for output in outputs: out_map_tmp, out_vars_tmp = net.get_variable_positions(output) output_map.update(out_map_tmp) outputs_ir.update(out_vars_tmp) # perform simulation outputs =, solver=solver, sampling_step_size=sampling_step_size, outputs=outputs_ir, **kwargs) # apply indices to output variables outputs_final = {} for key, out_info in output_map.items(): if type(out_info) is dict: outputs_final[key] = {key2: np.squeeze(outputs.pop(key2)[:, idx]) for key2, idx in out_info.items()} else: outputs_final[key] = np.squeeze(outputs.pop(key)[:, out_info]) time_vec = outputs.pop('time') # interpolate data if necessary if sampling_step_size and not all(np.diff(time_vec, 1) - sampling_step_size < step_size * 0.01): n = int(np.round(simulation_time / sampling_step_size, decimals=0)) new_times = np.linspace(step_size, simulation_time, n + 1) for key, val in outputs_final.items(): if type(val) is dict: for key2, v in val.items(): outputs_final[key][key2] = np.interp(new_times, time_vec, v) else: outputs_final[key] = np.interp(new_times, time_vec, val) time_vec = new_times # create multi-index dataframe data = [] columns = [] multi_index = False for key, out in outputs_final.items(): if type(out) is dict: multi_index = True for key2, v in out.items(): *nodes, op, var = key2.split("/") columns.append((key,) + tuple(nodes) + ("/".join([op, var]),)) data.append(v) else: columns.append(key) data.append(out) if multi_index: columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns) results = DataFrame(data=np.asarray(data).T, columns=columns, index=time_vec) # store current state of the network for key in net.compute_graph.state_vars: self._state_var_values[key] = net.compute_graph.get_var(key).value # clean up if clear: net.clear() self._ir = net._ir return results.loc[cutoff:, :]
[docs] def get_run_func(self, func_name: str, step_size: float, inputs: Optional[dict] = None, backend: str = None, vectorize: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, clear: bool = False, in_place: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Callable, tuple, tuple, dict]: """Generate a function that evaluates the vector field of the dynamical system represented by this `CircuitTemplate` instance. Parameters ---------- func_name Name of the vector field evaluation function. step_size Integration step-size. Required for the implementation of the extrinsic inputs. inputs Dictionary providing extrinsic, time-dependent inputs to the system. Keys are the names of system variables, following the `*circuit/node/op/var` notation. Values are 1D numpy arrays that represent the input over time with time steps of size `step_size`. backend Name of the backend that should be used for implementing the system equations. Possible choices are: - 'default' or 'numpy': A backend based on `numpy` functions, representing all system variables as `np.ndarray`. - 'tensorflow': A backend that represents the system equations as a `tensorflow` graph, in which all system variables are stored as `tf.constant` or `tf.Variable`. - 'torch': A backend based on `pytorch` which represents all variables as `torch.tensor`. - 'fortran': Translates all system variables and equations into Fortran90 equivalents and uses `numpy.f2py` to make them available via Python. Requires `vectorize` to be set to `False`. - 'julia': Translates all system variables and equations into Julia equivalents and uses `PyJulia` to make them available via Python. Requires `vectorize` to be set to `False`. Also requires that the path to the julia executable that should be used for the simulation is provided via the keyword argument `julia_path`. vectorize If true, nodes that are governed by the same equation sets will be grouped and the respective equations will be vectorized. If false, all equations will be scalar in nature. verbose If true updates regarding the status of the `run` procedure will be displayed. clear If true, all cached variables will be freed and all temporary files will be deleted after the `run` procedure. To inspect the vector field evaluation function, `clear` should be set to `False`. in_place kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- Tuple[Callable, tuple, tuple, dict] The vector field evaluation function, all its positional arguments, the argument keys, and the indices of the different state variables in the state vector. """ # add extrinsic inputs to network if "adaptive" in kwargs: adaptive_steps = kwargs.pop("adaptive") else: adaptive_steps = is_integration_adaptive(kwargs.pop('solver', 'euler'), **kwargs) net = self if in_place else deepcopy(self) if inputs: for target, in_array in inputs.items(): net = net._add_input(target, in_array, adaptive_steps, in_array.shape[0] * step_size, vectorize) # validate backend settings net._validate_backend_args(backend, vectorize, **kwargs) # translate circuit template into a graph representation net.apply(adaptive_steps=adaptive_steps, verbose=verbose, backend=backend, step_size=step_size, vectorize=vectorize, **kwargs) # impose initial condition for key, val in self._state_var_values.items(): v = net.compute_graph.get_var(key) v.set_value(np.reshape(val, v.shape)) # generate the run function func, args, arg_names, state_var_indices = net._ir.get_run_func(func_name=func_name, step_size=step_size, **kwargs) self._state_var_indices = state_var_indices # set current network state if it was empty before if not self.state: for key in net.compute_graph.state_vars: self._state_var_values[key] = net.compute_graph.get_var(key).value # clear the network temporary files if clear: net.clear() self._ir = net._ir # map the backend variable names to the frontend variable names state_var_map = {} for v, idx in state_var_indices.items(): v_new = net._ir.get_frontend_varname(v) state_var_map[v_new] = idx args_mapped = [] for arg in arg_names: try: args_mapped.append(net._ir.get_frontend_varname(arg)) except (ValueError, KeyError): args_mapped.append(arg) return func, args, tuple(args_mapped), state_var_map
[docs] def apply(self, adaptive_steps: bool = None, label: str = None, node_values: dict = None, edge_values: dict = None, vectorize: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a `CircuitIR` instance based on the template. Parameters ---------- adaptive_steps If true, a numerical solver with step-size adaptation can be used to integrate the network dynamics over time. label (optional) Assign a label that is saved as a sort of name to the circuit instance. This is particularly relevant, when adding multiple circuits to a bigger circuit. This way circuits can be identified by their given label. node_values (optional) Dictionary containing values (and possibly other variable properties) that overwrite defaults in specific nodes/operators/variables. Values must be given in the form: {'node/op/var': value} edge_values (optional) Dictionary containing source and target variable pairs as items and value dictionaries as values (e.g. {('source/op1/var1', 'target/op1/var2'): {'weight': 0.3, 'delay': 1.0}}). Can be used to overwrite default values defined in template. vectorize If true, nodes that are governed by the same underlying equations will be vectorized, i.e. grouped together. verbose If true, updates about the backend translation process will be given. Returns ------- None """ if not label: label = if not edge_values: edge_values = {} scalar_shape = (1,) if vectorize else () # turn nodes from templates into IRs #################################### # prepare node parameter updates for IR transformation values = dict() if node_values: for key, value in node_values.items(): *node_id, op, var = key.split("/") target_nodes = self.get_nodes(node_id) for n in target_nodes: if n not in values: values[n] = dict() values[n]["/".join((op, var))] = value # go through node templates and transform them into intermediate representations nodes = self._apply_nodes(node_keys=self.get_nodes(['all']), values=values, vectorize=vectorize) # reformat edge templates to EdgeIR instances ############################################# # group edges that should be vectorized old_edges = self.collect_edges(delay_info=True) edge_col = self._group_edges(edges=old_edges) # create final set of vectorized edges edges = [] for (source, target, template, _), values in edge_col.items(): # update edge template default values with passed edge values, if (source, target) in edge_values: values.update(edge_values[(source, target)]) weight = values.pop("weight", 1.) # get delay delay = values.pop("delay", None) spread = values.pop("spread", None) # get source/target indices source_idx = values.pop("source_idx", None) target_idx = values.pop("target_idx", None) # treat empty dummy edge templates as not existent templates if template and len(template.operators) == 0: template = None # add standard edge if template is None: # should not happen. Putting this just in case. if values: raise PyRatesException("An empty edge IR was provided with additional values. " "No way to figure out where to apply those values.") # add simple linear edge to edge collection edge_dict = self._prepare_edge_for_circuit(weight=weight, delay=delay, spread=spread, source_idx=source_idx, target_idx=target_idx) edges.append((source, target, edge_dict)) # add edge from EdgeIR else: sources = {} for key, v in values.copy().items(): if type(v) is list and type(v[0]) is str: if key in sources: sources[key].extend(values.pop(key)) else: sources[key] = values.pop(key) elif type(v) is str: sources[key] = [values.pop(key)] # create edge ir n = len(source_idx) if n == 1: edge_ir = self._apply_edge(template, values=values, nodes=nodes, vectorize=vectorize, label_map=self._vectorization_labels) else: edge_ir = self._apply_edge(template, values={key: v[0] for key, v in values.items()}, nodes=nodes, label_map=self._vectorization_labels, vectorize=vectorize) for i in range(1, n): edge_ir = self._apply_edge(template, values={key: v[i] for key, v in values.items()}, nodes=nodes, label_map=self._vectorization_labels, vectorize=vectorize) # project inputs to edge ir node if not sources: i_, in_var = edge_ir.inputs.copy().popitem() if i_ == source.split("/")[-1]: raise PyRatesException(f"The input variable of an edge operator that a source node projects to " f"cannot be the same as the name of the output variable on the node. " f"Please rename either the node output variable {source} or the edge " f"input variable {edge_ir.label}/{in_var[0]}.") sources[f"{edge_ir.label}/{in_var[0]}"] = ['source']*len(source_idx) # collect new edge attributes edge_idx = list(np.arange(edge_ir.length - n, edge_ir.length)) edge_ir_sources = self._extract_sources_from_edge_dict(sources, orig_source=source, source_idx=source_idx) new_edges = {} for edge_target, edge_sources in edge_ir_sources.items(): for edge_source, idx in edge_sources.items(): new_edges[(edge_source, edge_target)] = {'source_idx': idx, 'weight': [1.0]*len(idx)} # add an edge for each source node that projects to new edge node for (s, t), data in new_edges.items(): # add edge from source node to the new edge node edge_dict = self._prepare_edge_for_circuit(weight=data['weight'], source_idx=data['source_idx'], target_idx=edge_idx) edges.append((s, t, edge_dict)) # add edge from new edge node to target node edge_dict = self._prepare_edge_for_circuit(weight=weight, delay=delay, spread=spread, source_idx=edge_idx, target_idx=target_idx) edges.append((edge_ir.output, target, edge_dict)) # instantiate an intermediate representation of the circuit template self._ir = CircuitIR(label, nodes=nodes, edges=edges, verbose=verbose, step_size_adaptation=adaptive_steps, scalar_shape=scalar_shape, vectorized=vectorize, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_nodes(self, node_identifier: Union[str, list, tuple], var_identifier: Optional[tuple] = None) -> List[str]: """Extracts nodes from the CircuitTemplate that match the provided identifier. Parameters ---------- node_identifier Can be a simple string or a list of strings. If the CircuitTemplate is a hierarchical circuit (composed of circuits itself), different list entries should refer to the different hierarchy levels. Alternatively, separation via slashes can be used if a string is provided. var_identifier If provided, only nodes will be returned for which this variable is defined. Returns ------- List[str] List of node keys that match the provided identifier. Each entry is a string that refers to a node of the circuit with circuit hierarchy levels separated via slashes. """ if type(node_identifier) is str: node_identifier = node_identifier.split('/') net = self.circuits if self.circuits else self.nodes if len(node_identifier) == 1: # return target nodes of circuit based on single identifier if node_identifier[0] in net: return self._get_nodes_with_var(var_identifier, nodes=node_identifier) if node_identifier[0] == 'all': if self.circuits: nodes = [] for n in net: nodes.extend(self.get_nodes(node_identifier=f"{n}/all", var_identifier=var_identifier)) return nodes return self._get_nodes_with_var(var_identifier, nodes=list(net.keys())) return list() else: # collect target nodes from circuit based on hierarchical identifier nodes = [] node_lvl = node_identifier[0] # get network node identifiers that should be added to overall node list if node_lvl == 'all': for n in list(net.keys()): net_tmp = net[n] if isinstance(net_tmp, CircuitTemplate): for n2 in net_tmp.get_nodes(node_identifier[1:], var_identifier): node_key = "/".join((n, n2)) if node_key not in nodes: nodes.append(node_key) else: nodes.append(n) else: net_tmp = net[node_lvl] if isinstance(net_tmp, CircuitTemplate): for n in net_tmp.get_nodes(node_identifier[1:], var_identifier): node_key = "/".join((node_lvl, n)) if node_key not in nodes: nodes.append(node_key) else: nodes.append(node_lvl) return self._get_nodes_with_var(var_identifier, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def get_edges(self, source: Union[str, list], target: Union[str, list]) -> List[tuple]: """Extracts nodes from the CircuitTemplate that match the provided identifier. Parameters ---------- source, target Can be a simple string or a list of strings. If the CircuitTemplate is a hierarchical circuit (composed of circuits itself), different list entries should refer to the different hierarchy levels. Alternatively, separation via slashes can be used if a string is provided. Returns ------- List[tuple] List of edge keys that match the provided identifier. Each entry is a tuple that includes the source and target variables as well as the edge template. Circuit hierarchy levels are separated via slashes in the variable names. """ # extract all existing edges from circuit all_edges = self.collect_edges() # return those edges if requested if source == 'all' and target == 'all': return all_edges # extract source and target variable information if type(source) is list: source = "/".join(source) if type(target) is list: target = "/".join(target) *s_node, s_op, s_var = source.split('/') *t_node, t_op, t_var = target.split('/') # extract requested source and target nodes from circuit source_nodes = self.get_nodes(s_node) target_nodes = self.get_nodes(t_node) # create source and target variable identifiers source_ids = [f"{s}/{s_op}/{s_var}" for s in source_nodes] target_ids = [f"{t}/{t_op}/{t_var}" for t in target_nodes] # collect edges that match source and target variable requests return [(s, t, template, edge_dict) for s, t, template, edge_dict in all_edges if s in source_ids and t in target_ids]
[docs] def get_node_template(self, node: Union[str, list]) -> NodeTemplate: """Extract NodeTemplate from CircuitTemplate. Parameters ---------- node Can be a simple string or a list of strings. If the CircuitTemplate is a hierarchical circuit (composed of circuits itself), different list entries should refer to the different hierarchy levels. Alternatively, separation via slashes can be used if a string is provided. Returns ------- NodeTemplate Instance of the `NodeTemplate` of that particular node. """ if type(node) is str: node = node.split('/') net = self.circuits if self.circuits else self.nodes net_node = net[node[0]] if isinstance(net_node, CircuitTemplate): return net_node.get_node_template(node[1:]) return net_node
[docs] def add_node_template(self, node: Union[str, list], template: NodeTemplate) -> None: """Add node template to nodes or circuits list. Parameters ---------- node Can be a simple string or a list of strings. If the CircuitTemplate is a hierarchical circuit (composed of circuits itself), different list entries should refer to the different hierarchy levels. Alternatively, separation via slashes can be used if a string is provided. template NodeTemplate instance of the node to-be-added. Returns ------- None """ if type(node) is str: node = node.split('/') net = self.circuits if self.circuits else self.nodes net_node = net[node[0]] if isinstance(net_node, CircuitTemplate): self.add_node_template(node[1:], template=template) else: self.nodes[node[0]] = template
[docs] def collect_edges(self, delay_info: bool = False) -> List[tuple]: """Collect all edges that exist in circuit. Parameters ---------- delay_info If true, it will be indicated via a 5th tuple entry for each edge whether it contains a delay or not. Returns ------- List of edge tuples with entries 1 - source variable, 2 - target variable, 3 - edge template, 4 - edge dictionary. Source and target variables are strings that use slash notations to resolve node hierarchies. """ edges = self.edges for c_scope, c in self.circuits.items(): edges_tmp = c.collect_edges() for svar, tvar, template, edge_dict in edges_tmp: for key, val in edge_dict.copy().items(): if type(val) is str and val != 'source': edge_dict[key] = f"{c_scope}/{val}" edges.append((f"{c_scope}/{svar}", f"{c_scope}/{tvar}", template, edge_dict)) if delay_info: for i, (svar, tvar, template, edge) in enumerate(edges): delayed = True if 'delay' in edge and edge['delay'] else False edges[i] = (svar, tvar, template, edge, delayed) return edges
[docs] def get_edge(self, source: str, target: str, idx: int = None) -> tuple: """Extract edge information from network. Parameters ---------- source Source node of edge. target Target node of edge. idx Index of the desired edge among all edges from `source` to `target`. Returns ------- tuple Has 4 entries: 1 - source, 2 - target, 3 - edge template, 4 - edge attributes. """ if idx is None: idx = 0 return self._edge_map[(source, target, idx)]
[docs] def get_var(self, var: str) -> tuple: """ Parameters ---------- var Identifier of variable in the network. Returns ------- tuple 2-entry tuple: (1) Backend variable, (2) index of requested variable in the backend variable. """ *node, op, var = var.split('/') nodes = self.get_nodes(node, var_identifier=(op, var)) backend_var = self._ir.get_var(f"{nodes[0]}/{op}/{var}") idx = [self._get_var_idx(f"{n}/{op}/{var}") for n in nodes] return backend_var, idx
[docs] def get_variable_positions(self, outputs: Union[dict, str]) -> tuple: """Finds the indices of variables in the system state vector as well as the backend variables from which the variables can be extracted via the indices. Parameters ---------- outputs Either a simple variable name, or a dictionary where the keys define the keys of the return dictionaries, whereas the values refer to variables in the network. Returns ------- tuple two dictionaries: (1) containing the variable indices, (2) containing the backend variables. """ out_map = {} out_vars = {} if type(outputs) is dict: for key, out in outputs.items(): *out_nodes, out_op, out_var = out.split('/') # get all requested node variables target_nodes = self.get_nodes(out_nodes, var_identifier=(out_op, out_var)) if len(target_nodes) == 1: # extract index for single output node var_key = f"{target_nodes[0]}/{out_op}/{out_var}" backend_key = self._relabel_var(var_key, self._vectorization_labels) out_map[key] = self._get_var_idx(var_key) out_vars[key] = backend_key elif target_nodes: # extract index for multiple output nodes out_map[key] = {} for t in target_nodes: var_key = f"{t}/{out_op}/{out_var}" backend_key = self._relabel_var(var_key, self._vectorization_labels) out_map[key][var_key] = self._get_var_idx(var_key) out_vars[var_key] = backend_key else: outputs = self._relabel_var(outputs, self._vectorization_labels) *out_nodes, out_op, out_var = outputs.split('/') target_nodes = self.get_nodes(out_nodes, var_identifier=(out_op, out_var)) # extract index for single output node for t in target_nodes: key = f"{t}/{out_op}/{out_var}" backend_key = self._relabel_var(key, self._vectorization_labels) out_map[key] = self._get_var_idx(key) out_vars[key] = backend_key return out_map, out_vars
[docs] def clear(self): """Removes all temporary files and directories that may have been created during simulations of that circuit. Also deletes operator template caches, _imports and path variables from working memory. """ self._ir.clear() self._ir = None clear_ir_caches() input_labels.clear() gc.collect()
@property def intermediate_representation(self): """Instance of `` that this template is translated into when `run` or `get_run_func` are called.""" return self._ir @property def compute_graph(self): """Instance of `pyrates.backend.computegraph.ComputeGraph` that contains a graph representation of all network equations that this `CircuitTemplate` contains.""" return self._ir.graph def _get_var_idx(self, var: str) -> list: idx = self._vectorization_indices[var] try: *n, o, v = var.split('/') return np.arange(*self._state_var_indices[v])[idx] except KeyError: return idx def _apply_nodes(self, node_keys: list, values: dict, vectorize: bool = True) -> dict: nodes = {} indices = {} label_map = {} for node in node_keys: updates = values[node] if node in values else {} node_template = self.get_node_template(node) node_ir, label_map_tmp, var_ranges = node_template.apply(values=updates, label=node, vectorize=vectorize) nodes[node_ir.label] = node_ir new_ops, orig_ops = list(label_map_tmp.values()), list(label_map_tmp.keys()) for (op, var), (start, stop) in var_ranges.items(): if op in new_ops: op = orig_ops[new_ops.index(op)] indices[f"{node}/{op}/{var}"] = list(np.arange(start, stop)) for key, val in label_map_tmp.items(): label_map[f"{node}/{key}"] = f"{node_ir.label}/{val}" else: if node != node_ir.label: label_map[node] = node_ir.label # save label map and indices on instance self._vectorization_labels = label_map self._vectorization_indices = indices return nodes def _load_edge_templates(self, edges: List[Union[tuple, dict]]): """ Reformat edges from [source, target, template_path, variables] to [source, target, template_object, variables] Parameters ---------- edges Returns ------- edges_with_templates """ edges_with_templates = [] for edge in edges: if isinstance(edge, dict): try: source = edge["source"] target = edge["target"] template = edge["template"] variables = edge["variables"] except KeyError as e: raise TypeError(f"Wrong edge configuration. Unable to find key {e.args[0]}") else: source, target, template, variables = edge # "template" is EdgeTemplate, just use it # also just leave it as None, if so it be. if isinstance(template, EdgeTemplate) or template is None: pass # if not, try to load template path from yaml else: path = _complete_template_path(template, self.path) template = EdgeTemplate.from_yaml(path) edges_with_templates.append((source, target, template, variables)) idx = 0 while (source, target, idx) in self._edge_map: idx += 1 self._edge_map[(source, target, idx)] = edges_with_templates[-1] return edges_with_templates def _add_input(self, target: str, inp: np.ndarray, adaptive: bool, sim_time: float, vectorized_net: bool): # extract target nodes from network *node_id, op, var = target.split('/') target_nodes = self.get_nodes(node_id, var_identifier=(op, var)) # create input node node_key, op_key, var_key, in_node = create_input_node(var, inp, adaptive, sim_time, vectorized_net) # ensure that inputs match the CircuitTemplate hierarchy node_key, net = self._add_input_node(node_key, in_node, self._depth) # connect input node to target nodes edges = [(f"{node_key}/{op_key}/{var_key}", f"{t}/{op}/{var}", None, {'weight': 1.0}) for t in target_nodes] return net.update_template(edges=edges) def _add_input_node(self, node_key: str, node: NodeTemplate, depth: int) -> tuple: if depth > self._depth: raise ValueError('Input depth does not match the hierarchical depth of the circuit.') path = [] input_circuits = {} inp_circuit = input_circuits net = self for i in range(depth): circuit_key = f"input_lvl_{i}" if circuit_key not in net.circuits: c = CircuitTemplate(name=circuit_key, path='none') net = net.update_template(circuits={circuit_key: c}) inp_circuit[circuit_key] = {} else: inp_circuit[circuit_key] = net.circuits[circuit_key] net = net.circuits[circuit_key] if i < depth - 1: inp_circuit = inp_circuit[circuit_key] else: net = net.update_template(nodes={node_key: node}) inp_circuit[circuit_key] = net path.append(circuit_key) else: net = net.update_template(nodes={node_key: node}) if depth > 0: net = self.update_template(circuits=input_circuits) return "/".join(path + [node_key]), net def _get_nodes_with_var(self, var: tuple, nodes: list) -> list: if not var: return nodes final_nodes = [] op_key, var_key = var for n in nodes: try: node = self.get_node_template(n) op_keys = [ for op in node.operators] if op_key in op_keys: op = list(node.operators)[op_keys.index(op_key)] op_vars = list(op.variables) if var_key in op_vars: final_nodes.append(n) except IndexError as e: raise e return final_nodes def _get_hierarchy_depth(self): circuit_lvls = 0 net = self while net.circuits: circuit_lvls += 1 net = net.circuits[list(net.circuits)[0]] return circuit_lvls def _group_edges(self, edges: list) -> dict: # get label map and indices from self label_map = self._vectorization_labels indices = self._vectorization_indices edge_col = {} for source, target, template, edge_dict, delayed in edges: edge_dict = deepcopy(edge_dict) # relabel variables according to variable map (accounting for vectorization) source_new = self._relabel_var(source, label_map) target_new = self._relabel_var(target, label_map) # extract indices of source and target variables in their respective vectors s_idx = indices[source] t_idx = indices[target] edge_len = len(s_idx) # group edges that connect the same vectorized node variables via the same edge templates if (source_new, target_new, template, delayed) in edge_col: # extend edge dict by edge variables base_dict = edge_col[(source_new, target_new, template, delayed)] for key, val in edge_dict.items(): if type(val) is not str: val = [val] * edge_len base_dict[key].extend(val) base_dict['source_idx'].extend(s_idx) base_dict['target_idx'].extend(t_idx) else: # prepare edge dict for vectorization for key, val in edge_dict.items(): if type(val) is str: edge_dict[key] = val else: edge_dict[key] = [val]*edge_len edge_dict['source_idx'] = list(s_idx) edge_dict['target_idx'] = list(t_idx) # add edge dict to edge collection edge_col[(source_new, target_new, template, delayed)] = edge_dict return edge_col def _extract_sources_from_edge_dict(self, edge_dict: dict, orig_source: str, source_idx: list) -> dict: label_map = self._vectorization_labels indices = self._vectorization_indices edge_sources = {} for key, value in edge_dict.copy().items(): source_dict = {} for i, source in enumerate(value): # handle edge input variable try: _, _, _ = key.split("/") except ValueError as e: raise e else: edge_dict.pop(key, None) # add new mapping from edge source to edge input variable if source == 'source': source_key = orig_source idx = [source_idx[i]] else: source_key = self._relabel_var(source, label_map) try: idx = indices[source] except KeyError: idx = [0] # add source variable information to dict try: source_dict[source_key].extend(idx) except KeyError: source_dict[source_key] = list(idx) edge_sources[self._relabel_var(key, label_map)] = source_dict return edge_sources @staticmethod def _apply_edge(edge: EdgeTemplate, values: dict, nodes: dict, label_map: dict, vectorize: bool = True): # apply edge template edge_ir, label_map_tmp, _ = edge.apply(values=values, vectorize=vectorize) # type: EdgeIR, dict # save edge ir references to dictionaries (treat it as a node) nodes[edge_ir.label] = edge_ir for key, val in label_map_tmp.items(): label_map[f"{}/{key}"] = f"{edge_ir.label}/{val}" else: if != edge_ir.label: label_map[] = edge_ir.label return edge_ir @staticmethod def _prepare_edge_for_circuit(weight: Union[float, list], delay: list = None, spread: list = None, source_idx: list = None, target_idx: list = None) -> dict: edge_dict = dict(weight=weight, delay=delay, spread=spread) # now add extra sources, if there are some if source_idx: edge_dict['source_idx'] = source_idx if type(edge_dict['weight']) is float: edge_dict['weight'] = [edge_dict['weight']] * len(edge_dict['source_idx']) if target_idx: edge_dict['target_idx'] = target_idx if type(edge_dict['weight']) is float: edge_dict['weight'] = [edge_dict['weight']] * len(edge_dict['target_idx']) return edge_dict @staticmethod def _relabel_var(var: str, var_map: dict) -> str: var_split = var.split('/') var_op = '/'.join(var_split[:-1]) var_node = '/'.join(var_split[:-2]) if var_op in var_map: var = f"{var_map[var_op]}/{var_split[-1]}" elif var_node in var_map: var = f"{var_map[var_node]}/{var_split[-2]}/{var_split[-1]}" return var @staticmethod def _validate_backend_args(backend: str, vectorize: bool, run: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if vectorize and backend in ['fortran']: raise PyRatesException(f'Vectorization of the network has been requested but is not implemented for your ' f'choice of backend: {backend}. Please either choose another backend or set ' f'`vectorize` to `False`.') if backend == 'julia' and 'julia_path' not in kwargs: raise PyRatesException('You chose the Julia backend, which compiles Julia code via PyJulia. To do this, ' 'please provide the path to Julia executable via `julia_path`.') if run and backend in ['matlab']: warn(PyRatesWarning( "Running simulations via the Matlab backend is extremely slow at this point, since it requires " "multiple transformations between numpy arrays and Matlab arrays at every simulation step. It is thus " "only recommended to be used with `CirucitTemplate.generate_run_function()`, but not " "for usage with ``." ))
[docs]def update_edges(base_edges: List[tuple], updates: List[Union[tuple, dict]]): """Add edges to list of edges. Removing or altering is currently not supported.""" updated = deepcopy(base_edges) for edge in updates: if isinstance(edge, dict): if "variables" in edge: edge = [edge["source"], edge["target"], edge["template"], edge["variables"]] else: edge = [edge["source"], edge["target"], edge["template"]] elif not 3 <= len(edge) <= 4: raise PyRatesException("Wrong edge data type or not enough arguments") updated.append(edge) return updated
[docs]def update_dict(base_dict: dict, updates: dict): updated = deepcopy(base_dict) updated.update(updates) return updated
[docs]def is_integration_adaptive(solver: str, **solver_kwargs): return solver not in ['euler', 'heun']
# cache for input nodes input_labels = {}
[docs]def create_input_node(var: str, inp: np.ndarray, continuous: bool, T: float, vectorized_net: bool) -> tuple: # create input equation and variables ##################################### # create left-hand side of input assignment var_name, input_labels_tmp = get_unique_label(f"{var}_timed_input", input_labels) lhs = f"index({var_name}, 0)" if vectorized_net else var_name lhs_shape = (1,) if vectorized_net else () input_labels.update(input_labels_tmp) if continuous: # case I: interpolate input variable if time steps can vary inp = inp.squeeze() inp = inp.squeeze() time = np.linspace(0, T, inp.shape[0]) y_new = np.interp(0.0, time, inp) eqs = [f"{lhs} = interp(t, time, {var}_input)"] var_dict = { var_name: {'vtype': 'output', 'value': float(y_new), 'shape': lhs_shape, 'dtype': 'float'}, f"{var}_input": {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': inp, 'shape': inp.shape, 'dtype': 'float'}, 't': {'vtype': 'variable', 'value': 0.0, 'dtype': 'float', 'shape': ()}, 'time': {'vtype': 'input', 'value': time, 'shape': time.shape, 'dtype': 'float'} } else: # case II: simply index the input variable with fixed time steps eqs = [f"{lhs} = index({var}_input,t)"] var_dict = { var_name: {'vtype': 'output', 'value': 0.0, 'shape': lhs_shape, 'dtype': 'float'}, f"{var}_input": {'vtype': 'constant', 'value': inp, 'shape': inp.shape, 'dtype': 'float'}, 't': {'vtype': 'variable', 'value': 0, 'dtype': 'int', 'shape': ()} } # create input operator ####################### op_key, input_labels_tmp = get_unique_label(f'{var}_input_op', input_labels) in_op = OperatorTemplate(name=op_key, path='none', equations=eqs, variables=var_dict) input_labels.update((input_labels_tmp)) node_key, input_labels_tmp = get_unique_label(f'{var}_input_node', input_labels) in_node = NodeTemplate(name=node_key, path='none', operators=[in_op]) input_labels.update(input_labels_tmp) return node_key, op_key, var_name, in_node